Beiträge von Braulio

    @Braulio when i compiled mine, one of the artifacts in the /deploy directory was a .deb, which is a debian RPM, installing this will do everything you need. It deploys the code in the correct directories, along with adding the correct services you require. I would highly recommend, unless you need to manually compile the code - installing docker and running the command in the compile instructions, its super simple and 'just works'. :)

    Hello @bnealon!

    Good to know! I will take a look when I get home!
    BTW, how do I execute this .deb? (I am noob on Linux)

    Ok Fine. So hyperion is working correctly?

    Where is the hyperiond now located? I assume it is located in /usr/local/Share/hyperion/bin Right?

    I can Provide you My service file of you Want. Will take some time because I am at work and it is 10 am here ;)

    Yes, it's working fine but it's not starting automatically when boot, just starting the classical Hyperion when boot.

    I'm not sure where it is located but I will take a look after I get back home :)

    If you don't mind! Would be great, I just need instructions where to put this service :) Take your time, don't be hurry :) I on my way to work and I'll be back home later hours

    Thanks a lot

    Hmm, I don't know if you can directly run hyperiond from everywhere. I think it is still connected to your old service. It depends on how far you did the compile instructions. So for now please try to stop the old service and run hyperiond from the build/bin directory.
    Can you please post the config you should now find in ~/.hyperion ?
    Also you should be able to access the webui then.

    Hello b1rdhous3!

    For sure, I can run hyperiond from everywhere (And when I run I am able to open the WebUI but the terminal keep it running in first plan), I guess it's now on the global system variables.
    But when the OSMC boots, it is calling the old service. I found some instructions on internet how to deal with Services on Linux and I will try to stop definitively the old service, but I still need to know how to set the new service for hyperiond and boot it.

    I follow the install instructions from CompileHowTo. The last part "Integrating hyperion into your system" there is nothing written yet, maybe this part teachs how to up the service...

    When I get home, I will get the config and post here :)


    How exactly did you start hyperiond?
    You should find your binary in your source folder then /build/bin/hyperiond. Can you please run it directly there? Maybe with --debug?
    Normally you should run the right version if you can open the webinterface. Where did the config get created? On default you should now have a config at ~/.hyperion/

    Also maybe your old hyperion version is running with the old service. Can you check that? Maybe disable the service for now.

    Timezones are a pitty dude. You posted in the middle of the night here in europe. But thanks to the internet we can communicate around the world :)

    Hey B1rdhous3!

    Haha! It's a pitty, but not a problem, I just can deal with my raspberry at evening next day here :)

    I started hyperiond first from this folder but then I realised I could call it anywhere.
    As I haven't uninstalled the classic Hyperion, I see that by default it boots the classical hyperion service (as you said). If I don't stop the classic and run the hyperiond, my LEDs get crazy.
    So I believe I have to disable the classical hyperion service and enable the new hyperiond but I don't know how to do it (I am noob on Linux :oops:)

    Thanks man!

    I found the directory to place the config file, but now when I run hyperiond, it says:

    "Unexpected reply signature: got \"\", expected \"a{sv}\""

    Any tips?

    Forget again! Now I understood, when run hyperiond I am able to open the Web Interface
    But now, it's strange, all that I do on web interface nothing happen after save, for example, If I change the boot effect or disable, it nothing happen when I boot again, It seems like the first standard installation runs and not the
    Does anyone knows what to do?

    The main target for me is to run the and effect after boot

    Forget! I run again all and it installed!!!!!!

    But now I have no idea how to run it. On the HowTo they say to run hyperiond, but it says that the configuration file is missing... I believe is that configuration file that we create, but where do I place it?
    Also, I tried to open the webui using port 8091 or 8090, but nothing open.

    I found the directory to place the config file, but now when I run hyperiond, it says:

    "Unexpected reply signature: got \"\", expected \"a{sv}\""

    Any tips?

    Hey Akriss!
    That worked! Thanks! However, now when I execute the command make -j $(nproc) my raspberry crash/freeze :/ I tried again but it happen again. Any tips?
    I attached the screenshot where it crash/freeze.

    Forget! I run again all and it installed!!!!!!

    But now I have no idea how to run it. On the HowTo they say to run hyperiond, but it says that the configuration file is missing... I believe is that configuration file that we create, but where do I place it?
    Also, I tried to open the webui using port 8091 or 8090, but nothing open.

    having recently compiled myself as a first-timer, my best advice would be to use the docker container method, as this has all of the necessary environment setup you require, including all dependencies.

    Install docker-ci using the instructions from their website and go from there. I didn't compile on the Pi however, i used a VM with Ubuntu 16.04 and cross compiled for Pi. Afterwards, i just FTP'd onto the Pi and copied the .deb file and then installed using apt-get :)

    Hello Bnealon!
    Good to know! I will try if the current method not work. Thanks!

    Hey Akriss!
    That worked! Thanks! However, now when I execute the command make -j $(nproc) my raspberry crash/freeze :/ I tried again but it happen again. Any tips?
    I attached the screenshot where it crash/freeze.


    I am trying to install/build the on my Raspberry. I am following the instruction from this page:…ob/master/

    But I stucked on this command:
    [INDENT]cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..[/INDENT]

    The error is:
    [INDENT]CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
    Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:

    I am very noob about Linux but this is an opportunity to explore more this world.
    Do you guys know what this error is?

    (I also attached the log files here)

    Thank you

    then use, that has this option implemented

    Very interesting! Thank you!
    Do I need to uninstall the normal Hyperion before install this Hyperion.NG?
    What are the main differences between normal Hyperion and Hyperion.NG? I could not find so much details about that version.

    I'd like to startup my OSCM and Hyperion running an specific effect.
    I checked the Hyperion config and there is just an option to choose the boot effect, but this is temporaly, so after the boot effect I'd like to run an specific effect.
    Currently, when OSMC starts, I have to open the Hyperion App on my cell phone and choose the effect.
    Please, anyone help me?

    I have another issue now!! I am using a 5v 30a supply and I want to power the LEDs (about 150) and the Raspberry together. So I plugged the LEDs and the Raspberry together but Raspberry is showing a "lightning" icon that means that I am powering less than 5v. If I disconnect the LEDs, Raspberry works without the lighting icon. So the LEDs are draining the 5v? Is there a way that I can supply in this way without drain 5v for Raspberry?

    PS: I am not powering the Raspberry to GPIO, I am powering to mini USB

    Thanks again!

    I have ws2812b strip led and I'd like to set an ambilight for my TV. I checked on internet and I saw that for this type of LED strip you need an Arduino to run. However, I algo found this Hyperion wiki explaining how to set without an Arduino. I did all the things described but I get an error and it is shown when I boot raspberry:

    ssh in: May 17 20:51:43 osmc-Theophilus systemd[1]: Failed to start Hyperion Systemd service.
    ssh in: May 17 20:51:43 osmc-Theophilus systemd[1]: hyperion.service: Unit entered failed state.
    ssh in: May 17 20:51:43 osmc-Theophilus systemd[1]: hyperion.service: Failed with result 'signal'.

    I really really wish to use just raspberry without Arduino, but I don't know what to do.. Please, anyone know what's going on? I attached the config file.

    Please! Help me!