Beiträge von David Müller

    Hello everyone,

    i have a problem with my setup and i cannot find the mistake. maybe you guys can help me.

    first off my setup:

    1. rpi 3 b + raspbian stretch
    2. ws2812b led (3 pwm)
    3. level shifter
    4. hdmi -> av -> usb grabber

    My wiring:…vel-converter-chip-wiring

    Now to my problem: The LEDs wont start. what did i do:

    1. blacklisted audio
    2. edited config.txt
    3. installed rpi_ws281x (git clone
    4. installed scons
    5. tested the leds (sudo PYTHONPATH=".:build/lib.linux-armv7l-2.7" python examples/
    5a. It works fine, the LEDs respond and show the test patterns. I tried this with and without the level shifter.
    6. Tested the usb grabber. Shows video on rpi via mplayer.

    For the first 5 Steps i used this guide (in german): https://tutorials-raspberrypi.…rgb-led-streifen-steuern/

    Now i installed hyperion:

    1. Installed hyperion via hypercon
    2. adjusted the json file
    3. start the service

    Well and here comes the problem: The service starts, the grabber starts, but the LEDs wont start. (tested both with level shifter and without). When i stop the service (via hypercon), the LEDs flash white one time.

    Here is my log:
    here is my json:

    Here is what the log says when i try to change the LED Color via hypercon:

    I hope someone can tell why its not working.