Posts by Ryan

    Do you know if the raspbian version of the two builds was the same? I experienced several issues with raspbian stretch (like not starting hyperion on boot), so am using raspbian jessie right now

    I believe this is a software issue as I had my setup working on a Pi B and switched to a B+ however, since then its been producing this issue. It may also be a case of me running a newer version of Hyperion on the B+.

    Do you have any more information about the difference between your two setups? Have you changed the led strip, power supply, configuration file, etc? Do you know the version numbers of hyperion or raspbian? Do you still have the old SD card/image to test?

    Thank you!

    Thanks for your reply. The wire from my pi to the led strip is already really short, about 20 cm. also, when I use the pre-programmed efects, there is no flickering, so the long distance shouldn’t be a problem, right?

    Also whats the power supply amp rating that you have? Could be low current causing some flicker.

    I dont think that has anything to do with it. When i use a full white image (max amps) I see no flickering. When I use the image with a gradient from black (top) to white (bottom) I see the flickering tho.


    I installed Hyperion on my Raspberry Pi Zero W. Everything works fine, but I get white flickering LED's sometimes. I used different calibration images to test it. I only get white flickering LED's at the bottom when I use the following images:

    I dont get the flickering when I use the following images:

    Also during the boot effects, I don't get the flickering.
    I am using a Raspberry Pi Zero W with an APA102 led strip and a UTV007 video grabber.
    This is my config file:

    Thank you,

    Yes, i have to stop and start hyperion everytime using the hypercon tool or ssh. Everything was installed correctly. I already found a solution. There seems to be a problem with Raspbian Stretch Lite. When using Raspbian Jessie Lite everything works fine.

    Ik heb gisteren getest met raspbian jessie lite in plaats van raspbian stretch lite en daar werkte alles wel prima. Ik draai mijn hyperion software momenteel dus op de oudere versie van raspbian.

    I installed hyperion on raspbian lite on my Pi Zero W. The installation and configuration was succesfull, however, hyperion doesn’t start automatically when I start my Pi. Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Thanks!

    Ik heb hyperion geinstalleerd op mijn Pi Zero W met raspbian erop. De installatie en configuratie ging prima, maar hyperion start niet automatisch als ik mijn Pi opstart. Weet iemand hoe ik dit op kan lossen? Alvast bedankt!

    I installed hyperion on raspbian lite on my Pi Zero W. The installation and configuration was succesfull, however, hyperion doesn’t start automatically when I start my Pi. Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Thanks!