Beiträge von jerpererper

    I've been tinkering with hypercon since yesterday, using a Raspberry Pi 3b and WS2812B LEDs.
    I'm running an HDMI splitter to an AV converter to a USB Grabber to the Pi.
    The LED strip is connected to a 5V 20A external power supply, with ground running to the pi as well.
    Finally the Data cable is connected to GPIO 18 of the Pi.

    I'm using a fresh install of Raspbian stretch lite as of right now.

    I successfully tested the LEDs with, they work fine with exactly this setup.
    However, after creating my config.json, sending it to the Pi (seeing if it's there with "
    ls /etc/hyperion") and stopping and starting hyperion, nothing happens.

    This is the config.json : [MEDIA=pastebin]KCSyaYQw[/MEDIA]

    This is the Hyperion log : [MEDIA=pastebin]gRbtZC1i[/MEDIA]

    The thing that seems weird to me is the fact that the Pi had no problem controlling the LEDs with the external library.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: Also the frame grabber is working withing Hypercon on PC, since i can take screenshots and also corrected the Crop values for the black borders.