Beiträge von Jack Flegeltaub

    I am new to all of this, Raspberry Pi, hyperion etc. but have taken upon myself to try and create a hell of a cinema or light show experience by lining the walls of my room, plus the back of my tv with led strips which I can then play around with of my own accord. But of course, I have a few questions, I have read a lot of helpful information about how to set up an ambilight LED strip to a tv using a raspberry pi and hyperion but I need help specifically to how I want my set up.
    SO; can I do this with my normal PC, rather than having to purchase a Raspberry Pi, and perhaps just get some form of LED controller and use Hyperion software direct from my PC?
    Both PC and Tv (meaning controller as well) will be placed in the center of that 8-10m distance, meaning one 3-5 meter strip will be used for the TV (50 inch) and (if possible) eight 5m strips for the walls and ceiling.
    Can someone please help me with what sort of hardware I am going to need for this sort of set up? I don't need full detailed instructions, as I have a decent enough understanding of how power works and how to set it all up through watching tutorials about TV ambilight, but it will save me a hell of a lot of time researching and phishing through stuff on ebay, if someone could just list the components I will need and a guarantee that it will work, when set up correctly.
    Thank you, in advance for all responses :)

    Also here's some pics of my PC I built a few months ago, to show my new love for pretty lights XD