Beiträge von Lebroc


    I just finished my Ambilight with OpenElec + Raspberry B+. It works fine after modifying some settings but i still have two problems.

    the first one is about green light during dark scenes. It might come from the video grabber. Here are some screenshots. I tried to change the green signal threshold but it didn't solve the problem.

    Threshold 0
    Threshold 0.2
    Threshold 0.5
    Threshold 0.8

    Original picture (took from my PC next day, no black borders on TV)

    Do you have any idea ?
    My video grabber :

    My second issue is that the grabber cut off a huge part of the video. On the screenshot we can't see the shoes, but we can see them on the original picture. I haven't look for it for now, but if you have a solution, it could avoid me too search for a while.
    Note : It does not come from the "Cropbottom". I put 2 to avoid the black border.

    Here is the configuration [MEDIA=pastebin]BLATbT6P[/MEDIA]

    I am not a native english speaker. I am not sorry for my bad english :)