Beiträge von iiidefconiii

    oki so workflow is:

    Start machine
    start kodi
    initctl start hyperion automaticly
    then background effect start

    then i press the button, my effect starts
    then start an movie, effect stays on

    the scripts itself send a prio 100 on the effect

    def set_effect(effect):
        subprocess.Popen('/usr/share/hyperion/bin/hyperion-remote --priority 100 --effect ' + effect, shell=True)

    hyperion-remote -l

    can it be

    "boblightServer" :
             "enable"   : true,
             "port"     : 19333,
             "priority" : 800

    EDIT: found solution, in hyperion kodi addon set priority to 10, i think its best to default this, to avoid this kind of situation in future. Thank you for the support. My system start to run almost fully automaticly one more step.

    yes, lower number wins, but your effect still runs, It is just not visible. If you stop the capture it it will come back. Priority system takes effect for effects and grabbers: platform grabbers, v4l, kodi capture addon, windows capture application(screencap), udp receiver, boblight. You could also start the "external" capture binarys (hyperion-x11, hyperion-dispmanx) and send across your network.

    The -clear command should be used with a priority information. So it is possible to kill single effects (with their priority as identifier)
    The -l command will show you more about the current state

    It's not. I open an effect then an video and it stays on the effect. Should I define the priority some were in my script? If yes how high does the video grabber is set so I can give this one a higher one i suppose 900 would be ok or can that conflict with others you guys are giving it standard

    I believe I remind a priority setting in the kodi addon. Have to check when I get back home

    How about the priority does it work like if i have an effect running lets say prio 500, and then start a movie (on prio 10). it will override the effect i had loading? cause when i have this effect loaded and then start an movie, the effect keeps going. when i set an --clear suggestion in terminal, the effect kills and then start to output the movie. But im unsure how this priority works and which priority effect has and which prio mplayer has. or kodiVideoChecker priority.

    my final goal is to get rid of the (for hyperion functions)

    Thank You.

    the background feature is awesome so im not using this in anymore
    but i got an script that loads a custom effect, these should be able to run 24 hours with the --duration tag. Now these times when i open that script by a button, the only stays on for a maybe an minute, max 2 and then automaticly falls back to the background initialEffect.

    EDIT: mm strange, till now the effect is already up for 5 min

    I know there not officialy support for ng version but i still like to ask.

    is there an argument to start the * background-effect from a --clearall state?

    Reason im asking. I created an C# menu on my pc with button, that button send comands to read a script on the htpc.
    That script always had killall hyperiond, and to start another script with hyperiond command.

    The problem now is since its in /usr/share/hyperion/scripts i need sudo permissions to start/stop hyperion, and from visual basic it doesnt work when i put sudo in front of command, offcourse, still following me?

    So id like to map a button to a script that 1. do a --clearall state, when i got to sleep i press that harmony ultimate button to kill all de devices and lights, including --clearall.
    And one script on another button that starts the background effect, you see i keep my htpc 24h on, cause its also controlling my home lights.

    this is the app i made: