Beiträge von Portisch


    Is in the Amlogic grabber the Flatbuffer connection missing?
    Like in the hyperion-gt.cpp:

    // Create the Flabuf-connection
                FlatBufferConnection flatbuf("Qt Standalone", address, argPriority.getInt(parser), parser.isSet(argSkipReply));
                // Connect the screen capturing to flatbuf connection processing
                QObject::connect(&grabber, SIGNAL(sig_screenshot(const Image<ColorRgb> &)), &flatbuf, SLOT(setImage(Image<ColorRgb>)));


    I have done some PR on Github to fix compiling on Amlogic CE as Kodi Addon.
    It is running right now but crashing. Also the video get ugly after a few seconds.
    Only a reboot of the box does help.

    When hyperion is starting the effect get showed on the LEDs (Rainbow) so RS232 should work.
    But then nothing is happening. No change if in FB or VPU mode.

    This version is including the last 2 pull requests #537 & #538. I will try again tomorrow with out these PR.
    But I think it will also fail because this changes are working for…6a13396e1430f5687a6ef703f.

    Here is the log: