Beiträge von flexage

    Thanks, I'll be sure to do that! I've ordered a 30amp power supply, which should be more than enough if my maths is correct, so I'll be sure to run a power feed up to the middle. I'll make sure to solder, the snap on connectors never make good contact anyway. Thanks for the advice!

    Ok, so I put together my existing Hyperion setup 3 years ago, using WS2801s, on a 55" TV.

    Apart from a snap-on connector on one end of the strip, which has needed occasional tugging, it's worked flawlessly the entire time.

    We've just had a TV upgrade, and upped the screen size to 65".

    So it's now time to build again.

    I've decided this time to go for APA102's, 60 per m, but I'm worried about power requirements and where along the strips to attach power.

    I measured all 4 sides of my TV, and it looks like I'll be using around 4.5m of APA102 strip, so at 60 pixels per m that works out around 270 pixels.

    Will I be able to power from a single corner like i did my last strip, and what will I need on my power supply?

    I'm a software guy by trade, so hardware is not my wheelhouse, even at this basic level!

    I was going to follow the same guide off the forums that I did last time, only not using the solder-less connectors, what adjustments if any would I have to make to the steps in this guide to fit this size of TV?…mbilight-no-soldering.77/

    Please explain like I'm 5, I'm terrible at following instructions!

    Thanks in advance!