Beiträge von Nostradani

    Alright, by coincidence I seem to have found the issue. I stumbled upon an old boblight.conf file and found the following entry:

    rate            115200

    So I gave it a try and set the baud rate to 115200 and it worked!

    I think this is really weird, since the sketch running on my Arduino defines a rate of 125000...

    Can someone explain this? I'd rather increase the rate in the future but apparently there seems to be some kind of trick..

    Hi iiidefconiii,

    Thanks for the reply!
    I actually use /dev/ttyACM0 (My mistake, AMA0 was just my latest test, but didn't work either, just like USB0). I'm pretty sure this is also correct since only with ACM0 I get the flashing in red, green, blue when starting hyperiond. (I also used ACM0 in my formerly working boblight setup).

    I also tried hyperion-remote -c red while running hyperiond, but again no effect (though hyperiond logs it).

    As for the color order: According to my sketch, RGB should be correct. Even if not, this should then result in wrong colors, but at the moment, I get no colors at all...

    The reason why I do not get rid of the Arduino is that I integrated the arduino (as well as the LEDs) within the casing of my TV. Only the USB cable and the power connector are accessible at the moment. So I would rather keep it...

    First things first:
    About two years ago I built my setup using adalight and Boblight. For that I bought the following:
    as well as an arduino uno.

    Now I want to revive my setup by using hyperion. I stumbled across the following tutorial:…-ws2801-ws2812b-apa102.8/

    I basically just used the sketch from the tutorial (see attached).
    I uploaded it to my Arduino and used the "colorswirl" sketch from adalight to verify that it works (using "Processing"). And it does.

    So far so good...

    Now I installed OSMC on my Pi1 as well as Hyperion and all seems well. Of course I create a config using HyperCon (see attached). Now every time I start hyperiond the lights will flash to indicate they can be used (as expected). But then... nothing.

    For testing, I just used the Hyperion Remote App (iOS). I can see that all commands from the app arrive since hyperion logs it:

    EFFECTENGINE INFO: run effect Green mood blobs on channel 0
    BLACKBORDER INFO: threshold set to 0 (0)
    BLACKBORDER INFO: mode:default
    EFFECTENGINE INFO: effect finished

    However the LEDs stay off...
    Currently, I have no idea how to debug this since I get no errors or warnings whatsoever. Hope you guys can help me out.