So I've been having weird glitches with my WS2815 led strips, it used to work perfectly, the video below and my last few posts on my instragram demonstrate:


    however, something changed, and now my leds will work normally for a few seconds, then glitch out (as seen in the most recent instagram post on June 15th and also the video below)

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    Config is as follows, I am using 332 leds on ws2815 led strips being powered by an 800-watt pc power supply, the reason I wanted ws2815 was due to 12v input, so amperage would be lower and power supplies are more readily available in the specified ranges.

    I have verified all of my soldering on the strips, and everything is making good connections.

    I have the strips powered from both ends with 12v and ground, ground is connected to the raspberry pi as well.

    I have tried a level shifter 3.3v -> 5v to no avail.

    Additionally, I have heard that I need a capacitor or resistor on the DI or BI lanes on the strip to prevent ringing, but I have not tried this yet.

    I am thinking I will need an ocsilloscope to see what is happening or causing this.

    Any ideas?

    core clock on pi zero w is 250.
    I have tried many different rates with no improvement except breaking it completely lol