Beiträge von befa

    OK I actually got it...

    Since I only wanted to use two bulbs, I set only two leds in the "LED Configuration". And this determines how many Hue devices Hyperion is going to look for.
    I changed the LED Configuration in order to have the same number as my Hue devices, and it found all of them.
    Be careful though, if you set more leds than the number of Hue devices connected to your bridge, the service will fail to start.

    Hope it'll help some of you!

    Hello there,

    Have you ever solved your problem?

    I installed Hyperion on RPi for use with Hue too, and have the same issue. No matter what "lightIds" I put in the config, I always end up with:

    LedDevicePhilipsHue::saveStates(nLights=2): found light with id 1.
    LedDevicePhilipsHue::saveStates(nLights=2): found light with id 10.

    Weird considering that I have more than two Hue devices connected to my bridge.

    Thanks in advance if you (or anybody) found a fix!