Beiträge von the_stig

    Ok this config is not dummy proof ;) Stupid me thought this sourcepath is if you want to upload it to some other place...thanks again.

    Suggestion: add a check to hypercon if sourcepath is set?

    Edit: Forgot the logs for unable to connect:

    sh out:     hyperion-remote  -c 1189ff
    ssh in:     hyperion-remote:
    ssh in:         version   : V1.03.2 (brindosch-99d9396/d3713a8-1469452981
    ssh in:         build time: Jul 25 2016 06:54:18
    ssh out:     Unable to connect to host

    Hey Guys,

    I needed to reinstall raspian. On a fresh install of raspian I startet the installation of Hyperion via HyperCon and log tells me install was fine. But afterwards I always get "unable to connect to host" when trying to get a colour going. Log attached. No files in etc/hyperion although log tells me config.json was uploaded. No files in /opt. Any ideas from your side?

    EDIT: What are these strange symbols before the paths?

    I only renamed it, I didnt zip it. So simply remove the .zip in the end. Sorry for confusion.

    BTW: Colour calibration is just fantastic. Just done it. Piece of cake and result is impressing! Great work from you guys. Thanks again.

    Ok, here we go: Did a clean Raspian install, after that HyperCon install of hyperion, updated hyperion.config.json. And: weird colours on TV and log tells me failed status:

    Ok, but currently I seem to have broken my raspian. As SSHing took too long I tried to add "UseDNS no" to ssh_config and fiddled with I cannot even login:

    -bash: /etc/profile: Keine Berechtigung
    Ich habe keinen Benutzernamen!@hyperion:~ $

    Anyone with first help for me?

    Nope, unfortunately not. But I know think there is a bigger problem with my Pi since SSHing in takes around 3 minutes, even if I try via a local LAN connection. Guess I have to reinstall whole raspian. Should now all prerequisites for running hyperion be installed via HyperCon?

    Hrm, recreated hyperion.config.json via HyperCon and I still get

    pi@hyperion:~ $ /opt/hyperion/bin/hyperiond /opt/hyperion/config/hyperion.config.json
    Hyperion Ambilight Deamon
            Version   : V1.02.0 (brindosch-2828c78/95e4d4e-1461938433
            Build Time: Apr 29 2016 12:49:00
    INFO: Selected configuration file: /opt/hyperion/config/hyperion.config.json
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
      what():  Failed to parse configuration: * Line 124, Column 1
      Missing '}' or object member name

    Full hyperion.config.json, Line 124 is a "," above "channel adjustment":


    Something is really going wrong with the new HyperCon for me. Maybe it's the root of my problems. I can ssh into my Pi, but all the commands via Hypercon aren't working properly for me. Sometimes its not reacting for >30 Minutes. Now I get pretty often a error:

    EDIT: Old HyperCon 1.0.0 is working properly here.