Beiträge von bnpavlov


    Thank you for the tutorial.

    My configuration:

    1. VirtualBox with LibreELEC (x86) with UDP configured Device (ESP32) (server)
    2. ESP32 with UDP, JSON server (HyperionRGB) (controller)
    3. Android TV (Sony Bravia 43'' 4K) with Kodi + Hyperion Ambilight Add-on (grabber)
    4. 170 RGB leds (WS2812B)
    5. 5V 10A power supply

    Data flow:
    Grabber ----------------- PROTO ---------> Server ------------UDP ---------> Controler
    Android TV (Kodi) ------------------- VM LibreELEC ------------------------ ESP 32
    64px x 64px / 10 fps

    Scenarios. If I use:
    1. HyperCon I am able to connect (via ssh) to LibreELEC and change the color. Also starting effects are applied.
    2. Hyperion App (iOS) I am able to select LibreELEC server, change the color and execute different effects.
    Although there are some bugs sometimes 1) 2) work relatively smooth without lag.

    3. Kodi installed on Windows machine with or without hardware acceleration - LED light is lagging and is blinking (not flickering). It turns on with the correct colors then turn off (with some leds emitting green light) then turn on again.
    4. Kodi on Android TV without hardware acceleration - LED and the VIDEO itself lag. It is impossible to watch.

    This issue is reported by other users:


    Hey there,
    having the issue with my Android TV (Sony) + spmc (v17 and v16) Ambilight, that i HAVE to uncheck the hardware acceleration (surface) to get the hue.ambilight Plugin to work.

    Unfortunately my video playback starts stuttering/lagging when i turn the hardware acceleration off.
    But with hardware acceleration enabled, the hue.ambilight plugin wont change colors anymore. (Stuck colors)

    5. SPMC with/without advancedsettings.xml (work-around to enable both grabbing
    6. Kodi on macOS Mojave - i was not able to install hyperion ambilight add-on because script.module.protobuf was missing and failed to install

    I am sharing my configuration. Maybe I am missing something.

    I have no configuration for Kodi Checker, Internal Grabber, Proto/JSON forwarder because I believe I do not need them.

    So my question is what am I doing wrong and how to fix this problem? I want to make smooth wireless ambilight if possible. I will appreciate any help on this issue.

    Also have one additional question - can Kodi add-on directly send UDP requests to ESP32 (e.g. removing Server from the chain)?

    Thank you for your time.
    Kind regards,