Beiträge von Evox

    Thanks for taking your time and writing this tutorial in an attempt to help those who are struggling.
    Since I cant seem to figure out why the original hyperion wont properly install or work on my raspb3 I decided to try your way and the NG. I had some trouble installing Docker but have nevertheless manage to find a way and install it.I did step 5,successfully it seems. But when i go to home/pi/deploy i do not find there the hyperion file that you mentioned. However,there is a folder /home/pi/ with lots of sub-folders. Its size is 29.1 MiB. Could it be it already installed somehow? Does this ring any bells to you?

    That's not how mine personally went I just had I believe it was about 6-7 files. I have another RPI 3 running the normal Hyperion though and have found the best way for myself to keep it working good is not to power down the RPI and to have the grabber plugged into a powered USB hub. Once you get Hyperion working just leave everything accept the LEDs power on ( I have a smart plug that turns my LEDs on and off).

    Also If you are having issues getting the original Hyperion to install this tutorial helped a lot.…tv_guide_ws2812neopixels/


    What does bring that's different?

    Can this be done over current Hyperion install or should it be "clean" install?

    I personally would do a clean install. If you currently have a good working Hyperion Id just leave it as is. Personally, I just wanted to try NG. It does have a really nice web-based GUI that is simple to use. Other than that not much as far as I can see. I just wrote this to hopefully help others that were struggling. I myself don't have a lot of Linux experience so I was having issues installing NG originally.

    Im pretty sure your HDMI spitter is wrong. I initially bought this one but its not what you need. I could be wrong but I had the exact same issue with the black screen. This is what worked for me.

    Also if you buy a powered usb for your grabber it seems to help a lot as well.

    For you guys having issues, I'm a total noob at Linux, docker, and installing Hyperion in general. I struggled a long time with installing Hyperion NG but as mentioned before if you get docker installed and use the GitHub link, it's so simple. Heres links of the exact websites I used to get it done. Hope this helps all that are struggling (I know I did) but there are a few people here that are super knowledgeable. For me, I think it just came down to not enough Linux knowledge to fully understand what these Hyperion gurus are referring to, but I'm slowly learning! I'll try come back here and respond to any questions, and I can (don't expect anything too technical) probably upload my .img file so others can copy directly to sd card and go. I hope this helps some that are struggling.

    This short tutorial assumes you know how to install Raspbian Stretch.

    Step 1- Install Raspbian Stretch. I tried buster, but it didn't work for me.

    Step 2 - Turn on SSH on Raspbian Stretch

    • Launch Raspberry Pi Configuration from the Preferences menu
    • Navigate to the Interfaces tab
    • Select Enabled next to SSH
    • Click OK

    Step 3- Use putty to SSH to your Raspberry PI…ote-access/ssh/

    Step 4 - Install Docker. I used this website…aspberry-pi-7d24ced073ef/
    Follow up to the command "docker run hello-world"

    Step 5 - Run This:
    wget -qN…scripts/ && chmod +x *.sh && ./ -t rpi-raspbian-stretch

    Step 6 - Load up your RPI, grab a wireless keyboard and mouse and navigate to the file system. Then navigate to /home/pi/deploy

    In this folder, you should see a file called Hyperion.NG Beta.1.0.0- If you double click it should ask if you want to extract the file. Say yes and it will do so, and Hyperion will be installed. Hyperion should now start automatically when you start up your RPI.

    Step 7 - On your windows pc or probably any other pc you should be able to navigate to
    This should load up your settings menu for Hyperion NG. Change your settings as needed and enjoy.

    Got it working, Thanks so much Paulchen-Panther. I actually just found the folder clicked on the application and it installed. Seems to be working great. Is there any fix for the flickering lights when the screen goes black. No big deal if not it doesn't really bother me. Really appreciate all the help.

    Hey guys, been using hyperion for a while now but wanna give this ago. I've looked into this and was able to install it using this "
    wget -qN…scripts/ && chmod +x *.sh && ./ -t rpi-raspbian" it seems as though it completed correctly. It seems to have installed into the /pi/deploy folder but after restarting it doesn't seem to be working. Am I missing a simple step here?

    To get this to work I had to use rasbian stretch (wouldn't work on the latest rasbian for me)

    Also, I'm not trying to hijack this post, just feel like im in a similar situation.