Beiträge von hawkcapl

    Sorry i should of clarified, I've tried creating a new config file however the LEDs get stuck with just showing shades of white or just turn off. I think its to do with the white levels however my old config was '1.0000', '0.8000' and '0.5000' in the new config tool white level is registered as '255' so that is why I'm wondering what the old value of 1 converts to with the new config settings ? and what the saturation gain and value gain relate to now as well.


    Been using Hyperion for quite a while and had a working config file for kodi, however i'm in the process of updating my setup and using the HyperCon java tool to install hyperion onto my new raspberry Pi. So having some issues with my LED's showing the correct color (example boot swirl only one led lights up). I've noticed some changes around the color calibration settings so wondering if someone can suggest new settings please ?

    These are my old settings

    Thank you for any help
