Beiträge von omcateer

    Everything with hyperion is working perfectly. I'm not grabbing menus or screensavers and the LEDs are correctly blanked. What I'd like to do it disconnect the power for the LEDs with a relay when they are blacked.
    Maybe which is pointless but I leave the Pi on 24/7 and if the LEDs aren't displaying anything I'd like them to be disconnected. Maybe this isn't a problem leaving the LEDs on 24/7, what do you think?

    Great, I think one of the home automation plugins with work perfectly for osmc.
    But how about when using hyperion-remote to play colours of effects? Is there some way I could hook into hyperion-remote to call the enable/disalbe gpio script when calling methods like colour = ON effects = ON, clear = OFF

    I'm running Hyperion on a RPI3 with an Arduino and 60 WS2812B's everything works great, what I want to know is it possible to detect when Hyperion is sending out data to the LEDs?
    My RPI3 is always running as a NAS and it's pointless to keep the LED on all the time. What I'd like to do is create a script that detects when Hyperion is sending out data and turn on the LED using a relay. When it's not playing any video or Hyperion effects, turn off the relay.
    Is this possible?