The export issue from the UI is a bug.
Thanks for highlighting!
The export issue from the UI is a bug.
Thanks for highlighting!
I did try the config exporter when I first discovered this issue, and it gives an error of invalid params when i try it.
I was referring to export/import without the UI, I.e. via the command line.
I can do a little write-up, if I am not at my mobile.
Thanks for sharing the problem.
I will have a look at that one too.
It is good to see those findings before we do a release.
However, disabling the effects does allow me to stop/start hyperiond as root.
Thanks for confirming that disabling effects helps and provides you with a workaround.
That „proves“ that your issue is related to Python 3.12.
I tried the same scenario under ubuntu24.04 and running under root and get different errors.
I need to further investigate the root cause.
syntaxintact Thank you for reporting the issue. The core is trigger by the python integration used by Hyperion effects.
We are aware that there are issues with Hyperion and Python 3.12 on Windows. Looks like Linux is also affected.
Could you check, if disabling Effects would provide you a workaround not running into the issue?
Edit: To avoid reconfiguring everything, you can use a backup of the config, disable effects and import that configuration before starting.
This is a new feature of the nightly build you are running.
In the logs I see
1. That WLED seems to be busy and have some problems with the traffic (503 service not available)
2. At some point in time the updates to the network were not able to be send (unable to send message)
3. There are network timeouts even for simple requests. Those could also be cause by that WLED did not respond, is too busy to respond or the network has issues.
Looking at the symptoms 1.-3. above, I would come to the conclusion that the is an issue with network connectivity between the rpi and WLEDs.
On what devices are you running WLED and what is the WLED version?
PS: I assume you switched the grabber off and on why I see the LedDevices being disabled and enabled afterwards, correct?
There is no script for a nearly 5 year old and outdated and not supported version.
What is the reason not going with the latest release and a working script and tutorial?
Thank you for the log and using a PDF is a smart move
Any chance that you can do me a debug log too? Just change the logging level to debug.
More then 255 leds, extend SPI buffer in cmd line
- I dont understand this point
See https://docs.hyperion-project.…ces/Overview.html#spi-pwm
Would be good to share the log to see the sequence of events.
I would assume that the WLEDs have not a too good Wi-Fi connection…
Ich denke, es ist primär nicht die Frage, ob COB oder SMB LEDs, sondern welcher Controller diese ansteuert und welches Protokoll benutzt wird.
Use the easy install script to install hyperion on LibreElec
Good to hear it is working now.
Looks like you benefited from the time-zone difference and were able to test already 😀.
syntaxintact Thanks for reporting!
Looks like there slipped in a wrong dependency name into the package.
There is no need to run under root for WLED.
Could you share the log output, please?
In general, the WLED devices have a retry mechanism in case they are only shortly available after Hyperion start-up.
In addition, it is good practice to disable the Wifi sleep mode in WLED.
Das manuelle Eingeben der IP-Adresse oder das ändern Steuerungstyp bringt leider keine Änderung mit sich. Nach wie vor bekomme ich keine Verbindung zu den ESP32 über den Steuerungstyp WLED.
Kannst Du denn WLED vom rpi anpingen?
Für mich hört es sich an, als wären Deine Geräte in verschiedenen Netzwerksegmenten.
Also als testest teste man, ob die WLED vom rpi über ein Terminal ansprechen kannst.
Edit: Ggf. Teilst Du mal die IP-Adressen von allen drei Geräten und sagst, ob sie per LAN, PowerLAN oder Wifi verbunden sind.
When I create a second hyperion instance, I am unable to configure it to use the other segment as it says "segment streaming disabled at WLED".
If you want to stream to a dedicated WLED segment, you need to enable segment streaming at WLED itself. The message indicates that you have not enabled it.
For one WLED device you can either stream to all LEDs (ignoring segments) or to one segment.
See https://docs.hyperion-project.…devices/network/wled.html
Du kannst beim WLED Typ auch eine IP Adresse oder einen DNS Namen eingeben, wenn die automatische Suche nicht funktioniert hat.
Manchmal dauert es etwas, bis sich die Geräte selbst melden…
Which Hyperion version are you using?
With 2.0.16 you can generate a layout as per Nanoleaf app.
Have you tried it?
If you have a proper token, Hyperion tries to get the layout properties from the device.
Via the Generate Layout Button, you can create a layout.
How does the 4D generate layout look like?