Beiträge von Anomander508

    I am currently in the beginning stages of trying to put my Hyperion setup together. I bought LEDs, splitter, video capture/grabber, and already had a bunch of Pi's and various Arduinos after reading a few different guides and tutorials but I'm now getting discouraged reading about the 4K HDR troubles that I honestly hadn't thought about, which is totally my fault. Now I'm confused as to how to best proceed and would very much appreciate some help.

    I have an Onkyo TX-NR686 AVR that has dual HDMI outputs but I have read that they default to whatever the lowest resolution connection is and will not do 4K out one and 1080p out the other. I also purchased a 4 in 1 out splitter to try adding to bypass the AVR dual output but I'm dubious as to whether it's actually HDMI 2.0. I'm just confusing myself as to where to go from here. I'm unsure if the HDMI2AV and the video grabber are also going to cause issues with the 4K HDR signal or if it's just the splitter that's the weak point.

    I've also read through a bunch of the posts about the HdFury solution but the device that was linked in that post says it's discontinued and I am unsure of which of their devices is the one to get. I'm really hoping it's not the $499 one because that will definitely torpedo this project for me as I just can't justify spending that much for this.

    I really want to make this work but downgrading my picture quality is not a compromise I'm willing to make. I would be very appreciative if someone could clarify what I need to do or point me in the direction of the correct HdFury device (or similar if it exists). I apologize if I've not included enough info and will happily give more if necessary. Thank you in advance for any help and also for all the help I've gotten on here just from reading the posts.