Beiträge von elfnoir

    I'm trying to create a bash script that turns to a random color my ambilight, for a random period between 0 & 2 seconds, using hyperion-remote.

    Unfortunately, when I use for example:
    hyperion-remote -p 49 -d 2000 -R 255 -G 5 -B 25
    hyperion-remote -p 49 -d 2000 -R 255 5 25
    hyperion-remote -p 49 -d 2000 -R 255 -G 005 -B 025
    hyperion-remote -p 49 -d 2000 -R255 -G5 -B25
    I receive this error message:
    -R: Argument 255 can not be parsed to 3 integer values

    This works:
    hyperion-remote -p 49 -d 2000 -c 1189ff
    but I don't know how to obtain a random variable between 0 and FFFFFF...that's why I try to use -R -G -B because I found how to generate random number:
    let "red = $[ ( $RANDOM % 255 ) + 1 ]"
    let "green = $[ ( $RANDOM % 255 ) + 1 ]"
    let "blue = $[ ( $RANDOM % 255 ) + 1 ]"

    Any idea please?

    Maybe I was not clear sorry.
    Hyperion is working for me, through Android App, or with KODI running on my RPI.
    The issue is, when I'm typping:

    ~ # ~/hyperion/bin/ --effect 'random'

    there is no modification on the Leds, meaning if I'm looking a movie, Leds are continuing to display correctly the color, or if I choose an effect with the mobile App, it continues to do so, despite the shell said 'Star effect random' or 'Start effect X-mas'...but I also try this think:

    OpenELEC:~ # ~/hyperion/bin/ --effect 'ygbhjbhjlgvyug'
    version : V1.03.2 (brindosch-99d9396/d3713a8-1469452981
    build time: Jul 25 2016 06:54:18
    Connected to localhost:19444
    Start effect ygbhjbhjlgvyug
    meaning it's not helpfull in troubleshooting because it always saying me it's OK !

    And you're right: before trying to monitore it with the second RPI, I need to succeed locally :)
    Do you have an idea please?

    ok, with this writting, no error, thanks!:

    OpenELEC:~/hyperion/effects # ~/hyperion/bin/ --effect 'random'

    version : V1.03.2 (brindosch-99d9396/d3713a8-1469452981
    build time: Jul 25 2016 06:54:18
    Connected to localhost:19444

    Start effect random

    ...but unfortunately there is no changement on the LED.
    I try with Android app on my telephon to turn off/turn on or with KODI working, or with another effect name, and unfortunately, despite I have the message 'Start effect xxxxx', there is no impact on the light of the LEDs.
    Thanks for your support!

    Ok...then regarding the 2 RPI, one has Domoticz only (with for example internal adress, and another one has KODI+Hyperion (no Domoticz) (with for example internal adress
    I create a dummy switch in Domoticz on RPI, and in 'Action ON' field, if I type "script:/// --effect 'random'", nothing happend, and I receive no errors messages; could you please tell me what I have to put in the Action ON field on the Domoticz in my RPI please?

    Maybe it's because, on the Hyperion's RPI, if I am in the directory "OpenELEC:~/hyperion/bin", that include "hyperion-remote", if I type "hyperion-remote --effect 'random'", I have the error message "
    -sh: hyperion-remote: not found' ; is it a possible tips?
    Once again sorry if my questions are very 'low level', but I'm noob...

    I'm interesting to turn ON Hyperion with Random or Xmas script (for example) from a RPI embedded Domoticz, to another RPI embedded KODI+Hyperion; Did you succeed to interrop Domoticz and Hyperion? Do you have some help on it? I try to understand JSON interface and how I should create a script to make the link betwwen 2 RPIs, but I'm a noob!
    Thanks for yout feedback!


    I'm using Hyperion under RPI and Kodi, and it's awesome!!
    I would like to go further using exemples that are providing under ~/hyperion/effects, for example

    Unfortunately, despite I've done a "chmod +x", I have this error message:
    -sh: not found
    -sh: random.json: not found
    I also try "python", with this error message:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 1, in <module>
    import hyperion, time, colorsys, random
    ImportError: No module named hyperion

    Finally, I try an apt-get install hyperion, which is not allowed by Kodi.

    1) Please, what the way to execute those effects programs under python or json?
    2) Next step it's the integration under domoticz, running on another RPI; Is it possible to access on it, with a Dummy Switch or Dimmer, with a kind of url like :
    "http://RPI_hyperion_url:19444/~hyperion/effects/" please?

    Thanks for your help!