Beiträge von EvollovE

    Finally, I found the cause of my problem :)

    It appears I had a setting in my Ardiuno sketch that caused the strip go off when no data was received. I.e.

    if(millis() > timeout + 5000) // If no new incoming data after 5seconds, turn the strip OFF.
    {setAllLEDs(BLACK, 0);}

    This explained why on the "dynamic" effects, the strip did not go off and continued but on static color it did turn off (since in the latter case after the initial signela no data is transmitted to the strip).

    So with these kind of problems, it's always wise to check the Arduino set-up as well :)


    Hi Penfold, first of all thanks for your help/response. I have sent the commands attached (first restarted hyperion) But it did not yield any positive result, i.e. the selected colour does get shown for 5 secs and then the LED keeps on that short white flash every 15 seconds or so. There is another thing that I noticed and that is that when I change the boot effect in HyperCon (external tab), it does not trigger any change. The boot effect stays on the snake thing that I had selected during the first set-up. I wonder if any changes made in Hypercon are coming through. Looks like I am "hit" by the issue that saving and loading files in HyperCon is not done.

    Hi all,

    Was hoping someone could help me with an problem I have with my set-up. This is my set-up:
    RPI 3 with OSMC installed
    Arduino Uno R3
    WS2812B LED strip

    I have 230 LED's on the strip, powered by a 50W, 10A, 5V PSU. Data goes through pin 10 from the arduino to the strip, I have included a 270ohm resistor in between. Additionally put a capacitor on the PSU's GND and +5V. This to protect the Arduino from any power spikes etc. Addtionally followed another best practice by connecting the Arduino's GND pin to the GND of the PSU.

    The LED is powered on both the begin and end of the strip (to make sure it gets enough power).
    The set-up works great, when I use the RPI as source the effects are really amazing. No worries on that side, it really works like a charm and creates the occasional "WOW" effect with my housemates :)

    My problem is with the control outside of the RPI, i.e. controlling through the hyperion (android) app. When I select a static colour on the coulour wheel, this only last for a couple of seconds, I believe 5 sec or so. Then the lights go out and after an interval of a couple of seconds I get a short (white) flash of the entire strip.
    When I select a dynamic effect (like the police, rainbow thing etc), it stays on for some reason. I have tried changing a couple of settings in HyperCon but without the so desired breakthrough yet. Attached are the HyperCon settings I have per tab. The Ip adres mentioned in those tabs is the (static) IP that my RPI has. I can connect with the Android app easily and it also seems to trigger the actions that I select.

    Thanks in advance for your help!!