Beiträge von patlajan

    I managed to do it somehow, but not really sure how.

    I updated the software to the latest (didn't really make a big difference), but it allowed to fine tune the colors.

    I played around A LOT with the white ballance, gama, channels.
    At the point I managed to get good white, grey, dark grey (dark grey was really hard), and the red was ok as well.

    Ok, since I'm basically a noob in OS stuff, I spent some quality time in exploring how systemd works.
    For those who might have a similar issue:

    in /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service, I added the following line to the [Service] section:
    ExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c 'sleep 1 && hyperion-remote -u 1.0 -m 1.0 -g "2.0 2.0 2.0" -t "0.0 0.0 0.0" -R "255 0 0" -G "0 225 0" -B "0 0 205" -Z "255 110 70"'

    Of course, the end part of the above command should be your desired settings.
    The easiest way to grab them is to SSH through HyperCon, open the SSH log and just copy paste it.

    I couldn't managed to make it run without the 'sleep X' part but it doesn't really make a difference since the startup animation runs during that time.

    Yes, I don't think that HyperCon is the problem, as well.

    Also can you think of any workaround to that, I don't want to startup HyperCon everytime?
    Can I somehow easily mimick it and inject the config runtime?

    Edit: I gues I can just run this after boot?

    hyperion-remote -u 1.0 -m 1.0 -g "2.0 2.0 2.0" -t "0.0 0.0 0.0" -R "255 0 0" -G "0 225 0" -B "0 0 205" -Z "255 110 70"

    I ran:
    /opt/hyperion/bin/hyperiond /opt/hyperion/config/hyperion.config.json

    No luck, it still starts with the blueish white.
    It is the correct config, though:

    "temperature" :
    "id" : "default",
    "leds" : "*",
    "temperatureValues" :
    "red" : 255,
    "green" : 110,
    "blue" : 70

    I created the symlink myself, once I found that out.
    I checked the file multiple times, to make sure it is the correct one, so that shouldn't be the issue.
    Another thing is that for my strip, the sequence is rGb, not rbG and when it boots, the correct sequence is used.
    The only thing that seems to not be taken into account is the color correction - whiteballance, temperature, etc..

    I tried one more time, same result.
    Boot the Pi, white is blueish (default state)
    Open HyperCon, Load settings, load the same config file as in the Pi, click "Send Trans." and everything is exactly how it's supposed to be.

    Guys, the color correction seems to be missed on boot, for some reason.
    When I calibrate the colors from HyperCon and SSH, everything is great.
    As soon as I save the config, and restart the service, the colors are all back to the original ones.
    The only way I've found to be working is to open up HyperCon, connect to SSH and send the settings once again.

    Tried it, doesn't really make a big difference.
    I managed to somehow calibrate almost true white and the shades of grey. The yellow is greenish and the green of the TV is yellowish but what can you do.. :D
    It's strange that it's losing the red, since in the dark shades it was lighting almost exclusively red pixels.
    Anyways, I'm tired already, I think I've got a pretty decent result.

    Btw, I noticed that while changing the gamma settings, I didn't always get correct output. Sometimes, I get green tint, close the image on the raspy, open the same image again and get red tint (no settings changes in between).
    But it wasn't that much of a big deal. The settings were taken into account eventually.

    Yeah, thanks but I've calibrated based on that Wiki.
    Actually I went through it several times and couldn't really figure than one out.
    Maybe I should have attached a picture.
    The portion of the strip that should represent solid red has strange colors, the leds are not red but instead something of the kind:
    red, red, red, white, white, white, red, red, white...
    It looks like it decides the color wrong. There's nothing else on the screen that would disrupt the processing.
    The red spot is wide enough (you can see it in the video, it's a quartaer of the screen).

    When I put solid red on the whole screen, the strip lights as it should.

    Hey Guys,

    I just want to say, great work, really capable software.

    The issue I am experiencing is that when I play an RGB test video:

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    All the colors but the red are reproduced correctly.
    For some reason the red is almost lost.
    Some of the leds in that area are white.
    All other colors are fine.
    The picture twirls, and it is the same on each side of the screen.

    Interesting thing is that when the picture is dimmed, the colors are more true to the ones on the screen.

    Any ideas what to try and tweak?

    P.S. My config is attached.

    P.S. 2 My yellow is greenish, can't really figure out how to fix it.