Beiträge von Aalian

    Hello, I recently installed hyperbian on my raspberry pi 3 model b+ with a Logitech 720p webcam. On my tv, I have a Wemos d1 mini which is running Wled to control 5m of sk6812 (RGBW). I connected Wled to Hyperion by udpraw to the IP address of my D1 mini at port 19446.

    Everything works and the led changes colours to whats on my tv. The problem is that the white led on the sk6812 flushes out most of the colour and I am left with a really desaturated light. I have adjusted my gamma with the black and white gradient image and got the values 0.7, 0.9, 0.8 respectively. I tried editing the colour but I just don't get pure red, the white led is always on no matter what I try. When I use the Hyperion app and move the colour to red, it is really vibrant so it is capable of producing the right colour.

    Is this WLED's fault?
    is this a side effect of using a camera?
    is this a side effect of using RGBW?

    BTW the prefixes don't have