Beiträge von shooks

    Yep, I'm forwarding one to the other. Systemctl status shows the non-functioning (one receiving the forward) as active (running).

    I think I read that multiple configs from coming in ng and don't see anything about it in the wiki (or anywhere else).

    Is there a way to see the hyperion log for one instance vs the other? Where is the log stored? I've only viewed it via hypercon.

    I'm using Hyperion on a Raspberry Pi to control a WS2801 strip and an Atmoorb. Have it working really nicely except one hiccup. I've got two systemd service units setup, but the second one only works if I log in and manually restart it. Systemctl reports it as "loaded active running" even though it doesn't work until I restart it.

    I thought perhaps it was dependent on the first instance and tried adding a "After=hyperion.service" directive to the systemd unit, but that didn't fix it. Any ideas?


    PS: Any news on when Hyperion will be updated so that you don't need to manually run two instances?