Posts by redPanther

    hmm not tried with real dispmanx yet. I tested with grabbers: x11, aml, fb and the 'simulated' dispmanx. On raspi hw acceleration is used for croping the image. Perhaps there is a issue, because all other code around work well with 3D. A while ago I made some mock functions so I can compile and use the raspi dispmanx functions on linux. Of course the send only a test image, but this behaves as it should.

    I tested 3d(sbs) on x11 and it looks like this:

    I use ubuntu for c2, because I have to compile an do lot's of developer stuff. Libreelec is not made for that. I also have no spare sd card to test with libreelec. I downloaded the latest c2 kernel from hardkernel's github repo and changed some stuff:
    amvideo capture: module
    cma memory: 16
    zone order: 13
    + this patch: [MEDIA=gist]bkrepo/07402953f5125daf5938d8e372fa2287[/MEDIA]
    (+ patches regarding ge2d: (it's optional)

    I had no leds attached. At first I only watched the live view in webui, then forwarded to my desktop hyperion installation with attached arduino mega with some ws2812 + 4 pwm/analog stripes.

    The config on my c2 was the default config. (+forwarder set).

    I noticed, that usage of amvideocap/ge2d capture interface is extremly expensive. The cpu usage in fb mode is around 5-7% and it rises up to 18-20% when accelerated stuff should be captured (ge2d direct usage performs a bit better).

    people who use please update!…195a7e206fe577dbaa4024841

    @seblagaffe for ge2d you need to recompile your (linux) kernel and add patches from crashoverride, see link posted on github
    Edit: kodi 3d switch is automatic, because we ask kodi whats going on. Other media players aren't supported.
    But you can switch 3d mode via hyperion-remote -V <mode>
    Very soon it is switchable via webui (pr pending)
    BTW the new ge2d interface is linux only, so it will not work on android.

    the attached file is a hyperion config not a effect json. Look into your effects folder.

    a effects file look like that:

       "name" : "Knight rider",
       "script" : "",
       "args" :
         "speed" : 1.0,
         "fadeFactor" : 0.7,
         "color" : [255,0,0]

    this is from the knight rider.json

    There is a misunderstanding. I mean the effect json file you created, not your hyperion config.

    You have to place your custom made json effect file into "/storage/hyperion/effects" or "/usr/share/hyperion/effects". If you want to put it elsewhere, then you have to add your path to "effects" in hyperion config

    put hyperion stuff in a script:
    hyperiond my.cfg &
    sleep 3
    hyperion-v4l2 your_args &

    Call it from rc.local
    If you need sudo (perhaps not neccessary) exec the script with sudo, not the hyperion bins.

    BTW exec hyperiond and a standalone grabber on same system makes no sense in most cases. Use v4l grabber from inside hyperion.

    übrigends man kann auch mit hyperion kommunizieren ohne hyperion-remote :)
    also ganz einfach über stink normale sockets und strings im json format.

    hier ein beispiel um die serverinfo zu holen:

    statt localhost geht natürlich auch die IP des pi. Damit muss das script welches hyperion bedient, nicht auf dem selben rechner sein wie der hyperiond ....

    den kommando string bekommst du mit:
    hyperion-remote --print <hier deine kommando argumente>
    also z.b. für serverinfo:
    hyperion-remote --print -l

    Wobei die analoge no signal detection nur zum tragen kommt, wenn v4l vor dem screen grabber is.
    Probier doch mal anders herum. V4l auf 800 und framegrabber auf 1000. Dann die rgb signal thresholds setzen. Z.b. bei blauem no signal bild die werte 0.1 0.1 0.9
    Dann wird immer auf extern umgeschaltet wenn ein signal anliegt. Also z.b. der bd player angeschaltet wird.
    Kleine vorwarnung, das ist jetzt wirklich analoge no signal detection das funzt leider nich bei jedem. Abhängig von hardware emv störungen und genauigkeit der werte in der konfig