Beiträge von themorb

    Wow, solved in less than 2 hours. Amazing, thank you very much! Makes perfect sense now that I see there is that empty byte sitting there... wonder how long it would have taken me to figure that out on my own?!

    I am using an Arduino Uno to control my LEDs and if I go past 256, they do all turn on for a few seconds when the sketch starts, but I can't turn on a solid colour via Hyperion remote. 256 or fewer works fine.

    The top of the sketch has the following:

    [INDENT]#define LEDCOUNT 256 // Number of LEDs used in your system
    #define SHOWDELAY 20 // Delay in micro seconds before showing
    #define BAUDRATE 1000000 // Serial port speed

    #define BRIGHTNESS 100 // Max. brightness in %

    const char prefix[] = {0x41, 0x64, 0x61, 0x00, 0xff, 0xaa}; // Prefix at the start of the transmission
    char buffer[sizeof(prefix)]; // Temporary buffer for receiving the prefix data
    I think the issue may be because the prefix array final 2 values go to 2 bytes. For example 258 would give 0x101 and 0x154. I am very rusty at coding...

    Can I make this work? With 60/m strips it works out to 266 LEDs in total. I could order 30/m strips and end up with around 134. I have already added a few thicker power wires to each corner and I seem to be able to run all of them at full white without any problems.