Beiträge von Wolph

    I agree, the wiki should be improved a bit.

    As for knowing the pin, instead of using GPIO (directly controlling the pin) this method uses the SPI pins on the pi. Which means that you are using either /dev/spidev0.0 or /dev/spidev0.1 which are connected to pins 19 and 21 for /dev/spidev0.0 and to pins 24 and 26 for /dev/spidev0.1

    By default the /dev/spidev0.0 device is used which uses pin 19 and 21.

    I have everything set up on a Pi2 now and it appears to be working :)

    The only problem I have right now is that it appears to be limited to 341 leds. Since leds * colours per led * spi bytes per colour = 341 * 3 * 4 = 4092 I'm guessing there is some 4k limit somewhere in the SPI code but I haven't been able to find it yet.

    Do you have any idea @penfold42 ?

    Ah, thanks :) These are my first ventures with Pi GPIO... so far I've only used arduino's and custom eeproms to control electronics so it's a bit of a slow start.

    Anyway... I've tried the loopback test and it indeed confirms that the Pi is at least partially dead. No useful output whatsoever from the SPI device.

    I think I may have simply fried something on this Pi along the way. It's an old one anyhow so I've ordered a new pi to test.

    Interesting - I've never test on openelec.

    I'm actually running Raspbian 8 (Jessie). A stock install specifically for Hyperion a few weeks ago so it shouldn't contain anything out of the ordinary..


    Does configuring fewer LEDs work better ? Maybe the OE kernel has SPI issues with more LEDs.

    I am abusing the SPI device a bit - there's an assumption the kernel will use DMA and send all the led data in one continuous burst

    Just for completeness I've tried with 32 leds and I'm not able to get it to do anything anymore unfortunately.

    Could it be that I need a level shifter for it to work through the MOSI pin?

    I've been fiddling around with the config quite a bit and I'm currently trying this device but it appears to be doing nothing at all. I should note that I'm running a Pi-1B here.

    "device" :
            "name"       : "MyHyperionConfig",
            "type"       : "ws2812spi",
            "colorOrder" : "grb",
            "output"     : "/dev/spidev0.0",
            "rate"       : 3800000

    The output when hyperion is and isn't running is currently:

    # vcgencmd measure_clock core

    I'm unable to produce any output using SPI at the moment. To be sure the led strip is functioning correctly I have tried the strip on pin 18 using this device which works:

         "name"       : "MyHyperionConfig",
         "type"       : "ws2812spi",
         "colorOrder" : "grb"

    I've just tested a bit and similar to cbabbman I had the flashing results. After rebooting it usually doesn't start flashing but after restarting hyperion it generally starts flashing again.

    When using many leds (over 300) it appears to be doing nothing but I haven't debugged that yet.

    dat werkt helemaal bagger net als de libreelec add-on.
    na update geen errors te zien.
    het log kan hij niet schrijven de map bestaat niet.

    Goed, dus je moet even een map aanmaken om het te fixen? Gelukkig is het een wiki, update de uitleg als er nog iets mist :)

    dan hebben ze nog wat werk want ik kan ssh hyperion wel stoppen maar als ik op start druk doet hij niets.
    een config file maken kan ik niet omdat ik 2 x 50 leds heb die ik niet gelijk heb gekocht de eerste 50 leds hebben een ander wit balans als de laaste 50 leds.

    Eenvoudige optie, backup je huidige config, test of het dan werkt en werk vanuit dat punt?