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    As soon as it boots i can turn them on and it works with no issues ?

    Is this the issue ?
    [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws2801' signals error: 'Failed to open device (/dev/spidev0.0). Error message: Permission denied'

    Thanks for your help

    [hyperiond EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 38 effects loaded from directory :/effects/
    [hyperiond EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 21 effect schemas loaded from directory :/effects/schema/
    [hyperiond EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 0 effects loaded from directory /home/pi/.hyperion/custom-effects
    [hyperiond SettingsManager] (DEBUG) (SettingsManager.cpp:108:SettingsManager()) Settings database initialized
    [hyperiond BLACKBORDER] (DEBUG) (BlackBorderProcessor.cpp:65:handleSettingsUpdate()) Set mode to: classic
    [hyperiond ComponentRegister] (DEBUG) (ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState()) Blackborder detector: enabled
    [hyperiond DAEMON] (INFO) set screen capture device to 'dispmanx'
    [hyperiond DISPMANXGRABBER] (DEBUG) (Grabber.cpp:34:setVideoMode()) Set videomode to 0
    [hyperiond DISPMANXGRABBER] (INFO) Display opened with resolution: 720x480
    [hyperiond DISPMANXGRABBER] (DEBUG) (Grabber.cpp:83:setWidthHeight()) Set new width: 40, height: 20 for capture
    [hyperiond DISPMANXGRABBER] (ERROR) Rejecting invalid crop values: left: 0, right: 0, top: 20, bottom: 20, higher than height/width 20/40
    [hyperiond DAEMON] (INFO) DISPMANX frame grabber created
    [hyperiond V4L2:/dev/video0] (DEBUG) (Grabber.cpp:34:setVideoMode()) Set videomode to 0
    [hyperiond V4L2:/dev/video0] (INFO) Signal threshold set to: {25, 25, 25}
    [hyperiond V4L2:/dev/video0] (INFO) Cropping image: width=0 height=0; crop: left=10 right=10 top=10 bottom=10
    [hyperiond V4L2:/dev/video0] (INFO) Signal detection area set to: 0.250000,0.250000 x 0.750000,0.750000
    [hyperiond DAEMON] (DEBUG) (hyperiond.cpp:467:handleSettingsUpdate()) V4L2 grabber created
    [hyperiond JSONSERVER] (DEBUG) (JsonServer.cpp:25:JsonServer()) Created instance
    [hyperiond JSONSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19444
    [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (INFO) LedDevice 'ws2801' found.
    [hyperiond ComponentRegister] (DEBUG) (ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState()) Smoothing: enabled
    [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (ProviderSpi.cpp:55:open()) _baudRate_Hz 1000000, _latchTime_ns 1
    [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (ProviderSpi.cpp:56:open()) _spiDataInvert 0, _spiMode 0
    [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws2801' signals error: 'Failed to open device (/dev/spidev0.0). Error message: Permission denied'
    [hyperiond FLATBUFCONNECTION] (INFO) Connecting to Hyperion:
    [hyperiond EFFECTENGINE] (INFO) Run effect "Rainbow swirl" on channel 0
    [hyperiond EFFECTENGINE] (DEBUG) (EffectEngine.cpp:183:runEffectScript()) Start the effect: name [Rainbow swirl], smoothCfg [2]
    [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:158:registerInput()) Register new input 'System/EFFECT' with priority 0 as inactive
    [hyperiond HYPERION] (INFO) Initial foreground effect 'Rainbow swirl' started
    [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:158:registerInput()) Register new input 'System/V4L' with priority 240 as inactive
    [hyperiond ComponentRegister] (DEBUG) (ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState()) V4L capture device: enabled
    [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:32:initServer()) Previous line repeats 1 times
    [hyperiond V4L2:/dev/video0] (INFO) configured v4l device: /dev/video0
    [hyperiond V4L2:/dev/video0] (DEBUG) (V4L2Grabber.cpp:692:init_device()) Set resolution to width=640 height=480
    [hyperiond V4L2:/dev/video0] (DEBUG) (V4L2Grabber.cpp:709:init_device()) Set framerate to 15 fps
    [hyperiond V4L2:/dev/video0] (DEBUG) (V4L2Grabber.cpp:747:init_device()) Pixel format=MJPEG
    [hyperiond V4L2:/dev/video0] (INFO) Started
    [hyperiond V4L2:/dev/video0] (DEBUG) (GrabberWrapper.cpp:49:start()) Grabber start()
    [hyperiond BOBLIGHT] (DEBUG) (BoblightServer.cpp:28:BoblightServer()) Instance created
    [hyperiond FLATBUFSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19400
    [hyperiond HYPERION] (INFO) Hyperion instance 'First LED Hardware instance' has been started
    [hyperiond PROTOSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19445
    [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:32:initServer()) Initialize Webserver
    [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:333:setCurrentTime()) Set visible priority to 0
    [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage()) Priority 240 is now active
    [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:89:handleSettingsUpdate()) Apply Webserver settings
    [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:107:handleSettingsUpdate()) Set document root to: :/webconfig
    [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 8090 name 'Hyperion Webserver'
    [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:89:handleSettingsUpdate()) Apply Webserver settings
    [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:107:handleSettingsUpdate()) Set document root to: :/webconfig
    [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:173:handleSettingsUpdate()) Setup SSL certificate
    [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (DEBUG) (WebServer.cpp:189:handleSettingsUpdate()) Setup private SSL key
    [hyperiond WEBSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 8092 name 'Hyperion Webserver'
    [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (WebSocketClient.cpp:30:WebSocketClient()) New connection from ::ffff:
    [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:99:handleInstanceSwitch()) Client '::ffff:' switch to Hyperion instance 0
    [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1032:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff:

    I have a new problem. I have managed to get installed and start when pi zero powers up.
    Th problem I have is when it starts it sets LED device off every time and I have to go to remote control and turn it on.
    How do I get it to boot with LED Device turned on?

    thanks in advance

    Thanks Alriss. I tried the Aliexpress ones and they don’t do those chipsets anymore so adverts are wrong. I will try insaneware thanks.

    Thanks for the reply. I have looked for the F version as well and cannot find them. All the suppliers I have asked that advertise the utv chipsets when checked they say they cannot get them. Hopefully a new chipset will get released soon.

    Does anybody know if there is an alternative to UTV007 of STK1060 chipsets that work with Hyperion?
    According to my supplier in China both chipsets are discontinued.