Beiträge von Schicksal


    kann man bei .ng irgendwo den Level einstellen, ab welchem Wert die LEDs aus gehen?
    Also wenn dunkle Bereiche anscheinend nicht als schwarz erkannt werden und die LEDs noch ein wenig leuchten.
    Ich dachte bei classic hätte man diesen Grenzwert einstellen können, gibt es diesen bei .ng auch noch?
    Beim schwarzen Abspann leuchten....vielmehr glimmen meine LEDs noch ganz leicht anstatt aus zu sein.



    I'm using Hyperbian with 2.0.0-alpha.8, tv mounted to the wall, 1st LED left-bottom, clockwise.

    I need to configure two gaps on the bottom left and right because of the speakers.
    First I configured a gap (13 LEDs) and moved it to the bottom right.
    Now i used "Generated/Current LED Configuration" and delete the last 13 LEDs so i get the bottom left gap.
    Preview looks perfect, save.

    But if i click through the menu and then go back to LED layout the second gap is gone.

    Any idea? Am I doing anything wrong or is it a bug?

    Searching, trial an error is ok for me. Thats's how i used and learned my diy ambilight with hyperion (classic) since years.
    Now i wanted to start with the "new stuff" and it is very difficult to find a How-To or the first steps. That's why i asked here.

    I have configured my ldp8806 led strips and nothing happens.
    The next step is the fushicai grabber but could you please tell me what to choose?
    Or how to test my settings.... i don't know how to start an effect for testing the LED settings. There is no button to start one or i can't identify it as a test-button.
    Just a little jumpstart

    oh dear,

    ng with the webinterface is so different.
    i can't get ist to work.
    i'm to dumb.
    nothing lights up. how can i start an effect for testing?
    how do i configure the fushicai grabber?
    sorry but i understand nothing with ng :(

    PS: i'm using hyperbian on a rpi 3 with lpd8806 (it worked with classic, so it is correct connected)

    no no, i had my hyperion running since years without updating anything.
    Then it didn't run anymore and now i want to resurrect it and i was reading here and there what have changed in the meantime.
    So i read there is a ng version (whatever this is), there is a Hyperbian (thumbs up!), there are/were problems with this new ng stuff and lpd8806.
    Just reading and asking before i start with my resurrection ;)