Beiträge von Andy Howden

    Which grabber do you have? Also is your Apple TV the 4K model? Im using Hyperion Android Grabber with my Nvidia Shield, which is fantastic, but it lacks DRM support so I only really get Hyperion for Plex and Youtube currently. Really excited to hear you can use Netflix with this, guess my spending on this project isnt done yet lol

    I posted the Aliexpress link earlier but here it is again:…042311.0.0.61284c4dllWDt1

    Dont mean to hijack the thread but do these devices work when you play DRM apps like Netflix or YoutubeTV?

    Yes I have watched Netflix through my AppleTV through it.
    My AppleTV HDMI output goes to one of the inputs in my AV receiver and I feed the output of the AV receiver into an HDMI splitter - one output directly to the TV and the other to the frame Grabber. I have not encountered any DRM issues so far. The lights definitely reflect the edge of the screen image.

    I got the same thing from AliExpress for $15.39 including shipping to the UK…042311.0.0.61284c4dllWDt1

    I have got this working with the latest Raspian build (as at 20-JUN-2020) on a Raspberry Pi Zero WH.

    You do need to do the standard: "no-change" in the .json file though to get it to work.

    I find that the USB Grabber gets pretty hot in use. Not sure how long it will last!
    But it does work. Saves all the HDMI to RCA conversion before going to the Grabber.