Beiträge von cmsimike


    My LED lights are connected to a Raspi running HyperionNG and I am currently using a sheild tv with the android capture to remotely send image information to the raspberry pi. The lights work fine in this case.

    I am setting up a new HTPC with ubuntu 20.04. Got kodi installed and running fine. Now I got installed and setup to send image data to the raspberry pi. That works in the sense that it *is* sending data but the lights are not reflecting what's being captured. Specifically only a subnet of lights are on, and they do not flicker or anything. Seems like it is static data.

    My setup on the new PC is using framebuffer capture. That's the only option I have. To further test things, if I use the HyperionNG remote on the new PC to set a static color, that works fine. So the issue seems to be the framebuffer capture. I have confirmed that `/dev/fb0` has the right permissions for the user running hyperion (and confirmed I can read from that device) but not sure what else to check here. Any thoughts?

    If there were a way to delete this thread I would (maybe I am missing it). It dawned on me that it might be the console framebuffer and not what is being output by Kodi, so I am going to dig into that

    TPmodding well I know this is going to sound crazy but I stopped the service using `sudo service hyperiond@pi stop`, ran the binary directly (as the user pi) `/usr/bin/hyperiond -d` and the webui came up no problem. ctrl-d'ed and started up the service again using `sudo service hyperiond@pi start` and the webui still works.

    I just tried restarting the pi and the webui is failing again.

    The only thing in the logs that is worth noting, that I'm seeing anyway, is

    > 2021-05-16T15:56:42.713 hyperiond V4L2:/DEV/VI : <ERROR> Throws error nr: Cannot identify '/dev/video0' error code 2, No such file or directory

    I used to have a usb capture (which isn't being used anymore) but I can't seem to keep usb capture disabled in the remote menu. The USB error comes up when running the binary directly, when the web UI works, so not sure if its related.

    Are the logs for the service written anywhere on disk I can check out? Quickly poking at `/var/log` didn't seem to show anything.


    I changed the IP of the raspberry pi running and every since then I cannot directly connect to the web interface without seeing that message on the new IP. I can curl the url and I get HTML back, and I can connect to the web interface if I SSH to the raspberry pi and tunnel to the port, but I'm not sure why I can't connect directly to the web interface without an SSH tunnel.

    The network inspector of the browser seems fine. Nothing out of the ordinary seems to happen.


    I am currently evaluating capturing the HDMI signal directly using an HDMI splitter with an HDMI to USB capture card.

    Some history:
    I'm currently using the x11 capture and the lights sync up perfectly to the tv. So I know the current setup works fine. I'd like to change the x11 capture to capturing the HDMI so that I can get the lights for video games, etc.

    So I've gone through the setup to get the HDMI capture working, and while it does work, there is definitely a delay in when the lights react to the tv, but the delay does seem constant.

    I've tried disabling both black border detection and smoothing but that did not seem to help. I attached the same USB capture device on another computer and verified that the two HDMI streams are in sync. So at least the data that comes out of USB should be more or less synced with what the TV has. This leads me to believe that it's just the overhead related to v4l2 and at least as far as I know, there's nothing I can do about that.

    Long post short - is anyone else running v4l2 and have experienced a similar delay and if so, is there a fix for this? FWIW I am running this on a relatively low power device (intel compute stick with an m3 proc) so it's not the top of the line device it still is no slouch.