Beiträge von eatoff

    Ok, so I removed my Hyperion setup in order to move house, and now a couple months later trying to get setup again I'm running into an issue.

    My issue is that the screen grabber running on a Chromecast with google TV will get "stuck" when I start to play video. It happens with Plex which shouldn't be DRM protected, and Jellyfin.

    I have uploaded a video of what's going on, but it's like it gets stuck recieving the first few frames. When stopping the video, it goes back to working fine. In the video the LED strip is disabled, just showing what's playing vs what is being sent to Hyperion

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    Great hearing that it is working now!

    Not quite... when I copy the configuration across to the default user the LED switching off issue comes back.

    Is there another installation method you would recommend? Could this just be an issue with on the pi zero?

    EDIT/UPDATE: I re-imaged the SD card. Looks like there was an updated image released 14/09/2020 (just yesterday) and it is working fine now. LED remote stays on, LEDs all work too. Happy days.

    The LED device now stays switched on. This is the log i get now:

    2020-09-11T08:34:52.519 hyperiond MAIN : <INFO> Set user data path to '/root/.hyperion'
    2020-09-11T08:34:52.870 hyperiond DAEMON : <DEBUG> PythonInit.cpp:45:PythonInit() | Initializing Python interpreter
    2020-09-11T08:34:53.983 hyperiond SETTINGSMGR : <DEBUG> SettingsManager.cpp:108:SettingsManager() | Settings database initialized
    2020-09-11T08:34:53.986 hyperiond DAEMON : <INFO> CEC handler created
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.049 hyperiond EFFECTFILES : <INFO> 39 effects loaded from directory :/effects/
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.074 hyperiond EFFECTFILES : <INFO> 22 effect schemas loaded from directory :/effects/schema/
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.077 hyperiond EFFECTFILES : <INFO> New Effect path "/root/.hyperion/custom-effects" created successfull
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.216 hyperiond SETTINGSMGR : <DEBUG> SettingsManager.cpp:108:SettingsManager() | Settings database initialized
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.225 hyperiond BLACKBORDER : <DEBUG> BlackBorderProcessor.cpp:65:handleSettingsUpdate() | Set mode to: default
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.227 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | Blackborder detector: enabled
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.272 hyperiond DAEMON : <INFO> set screen capture device to 'dispmanx'
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.274 hyperiond DISPMANXGRAB : <DEBUG> Grabber.cpp:31:setVideoMode() | Set videomode to 0
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.289 hyperiond DISPMANXGRAB : <INFO> Display opened with resolution: 640x480
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.291 hyperiond DISPMANXGRAB : <DEBUG> Grabber.cpp:91:setWidthHeight() | Set new width: 80, height: 45 for capture
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.294 hyperiond DAEMON : <INFO> DISPMANX frame grabber created
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.300 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | Smoothing: enabled
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.302 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO : <DEBUG> Grabber.cpp:31:setVideoMode() | Set videomode to 0
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.303 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <INFO> Start LedDevice 'file'.
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.319 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <DEBUG> LedDevice.cpp:133:init() | deviceConfig: [{"colorOrder":"rgb","currentLedCount":26,"hardwareLedCount":1,"latchTime":0,"output":"/dev/null","rewriteTime":0,"type":"file"}]
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.322 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <DEBUG> LedDeviceFile.cpp:55:open() | QIODevice::WriteOnly, /dev/null
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.325 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO : <INFO> Signal threshold set to: {12, 12, 12}
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.328 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO : <INFO> CEC detection is now disabled
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.331 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO : <INFO> Signal detection is now disabled
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.334 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO : <INFO> Signal detection area set to: 0.250000,0.250000 x 0.750000,0.750000
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.337 hyperiond DAEMON : <DEBUG> hyperiond.cpp:527:handleSettingsUpdate() | V4L2 grabber created
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.317 hyperiond FLATBUFCONN : <INFO> Connecting to Hyperion:
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.347 hyperiond JSONSERVER : <DEBUG> JsonServer.cpp:27:JsonServer() | Created instance
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.350 hyperiond JSONSERVER : <INFO> Started on port 19444
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.352 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <INFO> Run effect "Rainbow swirl fast" on channel 0
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.361 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <DEBUG> EffectEngine.cpp:187:runEffectScript() | Start the effect: name [Rainbow swirl fast], smoothCfg [2]
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.368 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:158:registerInput() | Register new input 'System/EFFECT' with priority 0 as inactive
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.365 hyperiond FLATBUFSERVE : <INFO> Started on port 19400
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.378 hyperiond HYPERION : <INFO> Initial foreground effect 'Rainbow swirl fast' started
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.382 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <INFO> Run effect "Warm mood blobs" on channel 254
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.392 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <DEBUG> EffectEngine.cpp:187:runEffectScript() | Start the effect: name [Warm mood blobs], smoothCfg [2]
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.395 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:158:registerInput() | Register new input 'System/EFFECT' with priority 254 as inactive
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.389 hyperiond PROTOSERVER : <INFO> Started on port 19445
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.394 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:32:initServer() | Initialize Webserver
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.390 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:32:initServer() | Initialize Webserver
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.406 hyperiond HYPERION : <INFO> Inital background effect 'Warm mood blobs' started
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.421 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:158:registerInput() | Register new input 'System/GRABBER' with priority 250 as inactive
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.429 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | Framegrabber: enabled
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.434 hyperiond BOBLIGHT : <DEBUG> BoblightServer.cpp:28:BoblightServer() | Instance created
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.438 hyperiond Dispmanx : <DEBUG> GrabberWrapper.cpp:49:start() | Grabber start()
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.452 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | LED device: enabled
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.455 hyperiond HYPERION : <INFO> Hyperion instance 'First LED Hardware instance' has been started
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.557 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 250 is now active
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.559 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:333:setCurrentTime() | Set visible priority to 0
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.694 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:90:handleSettingsUpdate() | Apply Webserver settings
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.696 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:108:handleSettingsUpdate() | Set document root to: :/webconfig
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.699 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <INFO> Started on port 8090 name 'Hyperion Webserver'
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.701 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:90:handleSettingsUpdate() | Apply Webserver settings
    2020-09-11T08:34:54.719 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:108:handleSettingsUpdate() | Set document root to: :/webconfig
    2020-09-11T08:34:56.353 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:174:handleSettingsUpdate() | Setup SSL certificate
    2020-09-11T08:34:56.381 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:190:handleSettingsUpdate() | Setup private SSL key
    2020-09-11T08:34:56.391 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <INFO> Started on port 8092 name 'Hyperion Webserver'
    2020-09-11T08:34:57.113 hyperiond WEBSOCKET : <DEBUG> WebSocketClient.cpp:30:WebSocketClient() | New connection from ::ffff:
    2020-09-11T08:34:57.125 hyperiond WEBSOCKET : <DEBUG> JsonAPI.cpp:107:handleInstanceSwitch() | Client '::ffff:' switch to Hyperion instance 0
    2020-09-11T08:35:01.313 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:198:setInput() | Priority 254 is now active
    2020-09-11T08:35:05.367 hyperiond WEBSOCKET : <DEBUG> WebSocketClient.cpp:204:sendClose() | send close: 1000
    2020-09-11T08:35:06.296 hyperiond WEBSOCKET : <DEBUG> WebSocketClient.cpp:30:WebSocketClient() | New connection from ::ffff:
    2020-09-11T08:35:06.299 hyperiond WEBSOCKET : <DEBUG> JsonAPI.cpp:107:handleInstanceSwitch() | Client '::ffff:' switch to Hyperion instance 0
    2020-09-11T08:35:58.673 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <INFO> Run effect "Rainbow swirl fast" on channel 0
    2020-09-11T08:35:58.675 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <DEBUG> EffectEngine.cpp:187:runEffectScript() | Start the effect: name [Rainbow swirl fast], smoothCfg [0]
    2020-09-11T08:35:58.677 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <INFO> Run effect "Warm mood blobs" on channel 254
    2020-09-11T08:35:58.686 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <DEBUG> EffectEngine.cpp:187:runEffectScript() | Start the effect: name [Warm mood blobs], smoothCfg [0]
    2020-09-11T08:35:59.106 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <INFO> effect finished
    2020-09-11T08:36:06.372 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <DEBUG> LedDeviceFile.cpp:81:close() | File: /dev/null
    [hyperiond LedDeviceWrapper] <INFO> LedDevice 'file' closed
    2020-09-11T08:36:06.391 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <INFO> Start LedDevice 'ws281x'.
    2020-09-11T08:36:06.394 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <DEBUG> LedDevice.cpp:133:init() | deviceConfig: [{"colorOrder":"rgb","currentLedCount":76,"dma":5,"gpio":18,"hardwareLedCount":76,"invert":false,"latchTime":0,"leds":256,"pwmchannel":0,"rewriteTime":1000,"rgbw":false,"type":"ws281x","whiteAlgorithm":"subtract_minimum"}]
    2020-09-11T08:36:06.396 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <DEBUG> LedDevice.cpp:153:init() | Refresh interval = 1000ms
    2020-09-11T08:36:06.400 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <DEBUG> LedDeviceWS281x.cpp:63:init() | ws281x strip type : 1050624
    2020-09-11T08:36:06.440 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <INFO> Previous line repeats 1 times
    2020-09-11T08:36:06.442 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | LED device: disabled
    2020-09-11T08:36:06.445 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | LED device: enabled

    Here is the log:

    2020-09-09T12:53:45.581 hyperiond MAIN : <INFO> Set user data path to '/home/pi/.hyperion'
    2020-09-09T12:53:45.699 hyperiond DAEMON : <DEBUG> PythonInit.cpp:45:PythonInit() | Initializing Python interpreter
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.449 hyperiond SETTINGSMGR : <DEBUG> SettingsManager.cpp:108:SettingsManager() | Settings database initialized
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.453 hyperiond DAEMON : <INFO> CEC handler created
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.512 hyperiond EFFECTFILES : <INFO> 39 effects loaded from directory :/effects/
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.538 hyperiond EFFECTFILES : <INFO> 22 effect schemas loaded from directory :/effects/schema/
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.540 hyperiond EFFECTFILES : <INFO> 0 effects loaded from directory /home/pi/.hyperion/custom-effects
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.714 hyperiond SETTINGSMGR : <DEBUG> SettingsManager.cpp:108:SettingsManager() | Settings database initialized
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.725 hyperiond BLACKBORDER : <DEBUG> BlackBorderProcessor.cpp:65:handleSettingsUpdate() | Set mode to: default
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.728 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | Blackborder detector: enabled
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.777 hyperiond DAEMON : <INFO> set screen capture device to 'dispmanx'
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.779 hyperiond DISPMANXGRAB : <DEBUG> Grabber.cpp:31:setVideoMode() | Set videomode to 0
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.792 hyperiond DISPMANXGRAB : <INFO> Display opened with resolution: 640x480
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.794 hyperiond DISPMANXGRAB : <DEBUG> Grabber.cpp:91:setWidthHeight() | Set new width: 80, height: 45 for capture
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.796 hyperiond DAEMON : <INFO> DISPMANX frame grabber created
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.807 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | Smoothing: enabled
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.809 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO : <DEBUG> Grabber.cpp:31:setVideoMode() | Set videomode to 0
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.810 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <INFO> Start LedDevice 'ws281x'.
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.820 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <DEBUG> LedDevice.cpp:133:init() | deviceConfig: [{"colorOrder":"rgb","currentLedCount":76,"dma":5,"gpio":18,"hardwareLedCount":76,"invert":false,"latchTime":0,"leds":256,"pwmchannel":0,"rewriteTime":1000,"rgbw":false,"type":"ws281x","whiteAlgorithm":"subtract_minimum"}]
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.822 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <DEBUG> LedDevice.cpp:153:init() | Refresh interval = 1000ms
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.826 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <DEBUG> LedDeviceWS281x.cpp:63:init() | ws281x strip type : 1050624
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.825 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO : <INFO> Signal threshold set to: {12, 12, 12}
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.838 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO : <INFO> CEC detection is now disabled
    Can't open /dev/mem: Permission denied
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.842 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO : <INFO> Signal detection is now disabled
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.847 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO : <INFO> Signal detection area set to: 0.250000,0.250000 x 0.750000,0.750000
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.851 hyperiond DAEMON : <DEBUG> hyperiond.cpp:527:handleSettingsUpdate() | V4L2 grabber created
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.856 hyperiond JSONSERVER : <DEBUG> JsonServer.cpp:27:JsonServer() | Created instance
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.845 hyperiond LEDDEVICE : <ERROR> Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: mmap() failed'
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.850 hyperiond FLATBUFCONN : <INFO> Connecting to Hyperion:
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.872 hyperiond JSONSERVER : <INFO> Started on port 19444
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.876 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <INFO> Run effect "Rainbow swirl fast" on channel 0
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.895 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <DEBUG> EffectEngine.cpp:187:runEffectScript() | Start the effect: name [Rainbow swirl fast], smoothCfg [2]
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.901 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:158:registerInput() | Register new input 'System/EFFECT' with priority 0 as inactive
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.899 hyperiond PROTOSERVER : <INFO> Started on port 19445
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.900 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:32:initServer() | Initialize Webserver2020-09-09T12:53:46.898 hyperiond FLATBUFSERVE : <INFO> Started on port 19400

    2020-09-09T12:53:46.911 hyperiond HYPERION : <INFO> Initial foreground effect 'Rainbow swirl fast' started
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.918 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <INFO> Run effect "Warm mood blobs" on channel 254
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.912 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:32:initServer() | Initialize Webserver
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.932 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <DEBUG> EffectEngine.cpp:187:runEffectScript() | Start the effect: name [Warm mood blobs], smoothCfg [2]
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.936 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:158:registerInput() | Register new input 'System/EFFECT' with priority 254 as inactive
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.941 hyperiond HYPERION : <INFO> Inital background effect 'Warm mood blobs' started
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.957 hyperiond BOBLIGHT : <DEBUG> BoblightServer.cpp:28:BoblightServer() | Instance created
    2020-09-09T12:53:46.973 hyperiond HYPERION : <INFO> Hyperion instance 'AndroidTV' has been started
    2020-09-09T12:53:47.192 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:90:handleSettingsUpdate() | Apply Webserver settings
    2020-09-09T12:53:47.193 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:108:handleSettingsUpdate() | Set document root to: :/webconfig
    2020-09-09T12:53:47.197 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <INFO> Started on port 8090 name 'Hyperion Webserver'
    2020-09-09T12:53:47.199 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:90:handleSettingsUpdate() | Apply Webserver settings
    2020-09-09T12:53:47.210 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:108:handleSettingsUpdate() | Set document root to: :/webconfig
    2020-09-09T12:53:47.215 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:333:setCurrentTime() | Set visible priority to 0
    2020-09-09T12:53:48.745 hyperiond WEBSOCKET : <DEBUG> WebSocketClient.cpp:30:WebSocketClient() | New connection from ::ffff:
    2020-09-09T12:53:48.760 hyperiond WEBSOCKET : <DEBUG> JsonAPI.cpp:107:handleInstanceSwitch() | Client '::ffff:' switch to Hyperion instance 0
    2020-09-09T12:53:49.475 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:174:handleSettingsUpdate() | Setup SSL certificate
    2020-09-09T12:53:49.490 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:190:handleSettingsUpdate() | Setup private SSL key
    2020-09-09T12:53:49.493 hyperiond WEBSERVER : <INFO> Started on port 8092 name 'Hyperion Webserver'
    2020-09-09T12:53:49.786 hyperiond WEBSOCKET : <DEBUG> JsonAPI.cpp:1057:handleLoggingCommand() | log streaming activated for client ::ffff:
    2020-09-09T12:53:53.430 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:198:setInput() | Priority 254 is now active
    Can't open /dev/mem: Permission denied
    2020-09-09T12:54:07.304 hyperiond WEBSOCKET : <DEBUG> WebSocketClient.cpp:204:sendClose() | send close: 1000
    2020-09-09T12:54:08.156 hyperiond WEBSOCKET : <DEBUG> WebSocketClient.cpp:30:WebSocketClient() | New connection from ::ffff:
    2020-09-09T12:54:08.166 hyperiond WEBSOCKET : <DEBUG> JsonAPI.cpp:107:handleInstanceSwitch() | Client '::ffff:' switch to Hyperion instance 0
    Can't open /dev/mem: Permission denied

    the permission denied comes through when i try to switch ont ehLED device through the remote page.

    start it manually with hyperiond -d in a ssh terminal and post the console output.

    This is what i get:

    2020-09-08T08:43:34.746 hyperiond MAIN : <ERROR> The Hyperion Daemon is already running, abort start

    How can i restart it to get it going properly? I get this anytime i issue a hyperiond command (from here https://docs.hyperion-project.…Advanced.html#gamma-curve). Sorry for the questions, but i'm keen to get this sorted

    Just getting all setup, installed on a pi zero. Picture grabber all works (I can see it all working on the Hyperion config page).

    But my led don't light up at start up. And on the remote page I turn on the LED device and it just gets switched back off. Nothing working. I have a WS2812B strip hooked up the gpio18. I have wired up the pi and the strip to the same power supply, and I have continuity throughout the wiring.

    I have chosen ws218x in the device config page, and still nothing. There is nothing in the logs either.

    Any ideas what I've done wrong?