Beiträge von Tomy137


    I bought 3 times already equipment to operate the LightBerry with Hyperion on my Media-Center.

    • Kit LightBerry 48 LED + Analogic Grabber(Works fine on RPI 1 GPIO)

    • HDMI Converter (Again on RPI GPIO)

    • USB Converter (To pass over GPIO)

    Stage 3. From this week, I brought out the whole system of its boxes for the occasion. Final objective: work without the RPI, I had repacked everything because it was really gas-works. I will describe my different experiments, if you have tracks to unlock me it would be really great!

    Target architecture

    Etape 1 - Le PC is one RPI with OpenElec

    In this configuration, I can not operate the system properly. Only one LED of the banner lights up in white, and whatever I do, nothing does. Yet no mistake Hyperion side.

    So I followed the following tutorial to update the "Level Converter", with the model WS2801:
    : Link
    I checked the power supplies: 5V for the Premium Kit and for the Converter (Against 12 with the Serie version)

    For info, the configuration file was generated with Hypercon, and I tried several combinations for the parameterization of the device. Even though according to the official website, the good it this one:

    "device": {
            "type": "adalight",
            "name": "MyPi",
            "colorOrder": "rgb",
            "output": "/dev/ttyACM0"

    But it does not work either

    Le matériel est pourtant bien détecté côté RPI.

    Even before thinking about the grabber and still less about the RPI, I'm already stuck.

    I think I post the rest of the steps in this post as I progressed so as to make a tutorial. Thank you in advance for your help !