Beiträge von Baat

    No, it's even better if they all work with the effects and not while grabbing. So i've adjusted the scan values to 0 in the config and it's working like a charm.

    The only thing is that now i have gaps in my grabbing, but i could adjust this in the config too. I'm just going to test this setup for a while because it's a lot of manual work to get this straightend out... And i didn't notice it (yet)...

    Thanks for the info and for the great software,


    i have read this as a solution to reduce the overall brightness somewhere on this forum, but it didn't say how to do this.

    So, does anyone know how i disable every other led in my config file?

    i'm running about 140 ws2801 leds on a rpi3 and it is way too bright when i watch at night. And reducing the brightness in the default settings isn't a solution.


    It's just a basic setup with a Raspberry Pi 2, installed the image of OpenElec 7.0.0 and i used the latest Hypercon. There are about 160 leds connected and i am using a seperate power supply with ample Amps on board.

    Everything is running smoothly, grabber, response time, effects,... just until at some point when i'm playing video and all of a sudden the sound stops and about 1 sec later the image freezes and the system is stuck. It's not that i'm playing huge .mkv files, so i don't think it will be the CPU load but i'll leave this for the experts...

    Thanks for thinking with me!


    Does anyone else has the problem that my whole Pi running on Openelec freezes after x(1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day,...) amount of time?

    The problem is related to Hyperion somehow, because i've been running my pi for the last two months without hyperion (uninstalled) and it never even happend once, and now i've got Hyperion back online et voila... it happend again.

    Only a power cut is possible to get the Pi booted again...

    I'm hoping you guys can help me out, because it is driving my wife nuts... and then i have to shut them off again...

    I love the work all of you have been doing, this is a super project!!!

    Already have a second hyperion running on the moodlight of my aquarium, and by summer i'll have one running on the edge lights of my patio.... love the mood blob effects! :)