Beiträge von medamine60

    Test all R G & B orders, I also donwload the app to set led colors, test also with NTSC & PAL.
    When I attribute the right color, save, stop hyperion, send config and start again the blue and green still inverted.

    The leds on the left side on bottom still not working !
    Should I wire the led also from the end of strip?
    GND to PIN 6
    DI to PIN 19
    CK to PIN 23

    Any help is welcome

    Dear all,
    I just finished the mounting of the WS2801 led strip on a 50" tv :)
    The leds are powred from one side with a 5v 6A power supply, I have 34 led on top, 34 down, 19 left and 19 right (106 Leds).
    The 4 led segments are ON but few leds remain OFF !

    The led strip is connected to a raspberry pi 3
    GND to PIN 6
    DI to PIN 19
    CK to PIN 23
    The 5v is not connected to the PI, t
    [COLOR=rgb(128, 128, 128)]he Raspberry is connected to 5V 2A power supply, the signal comes to the PI via usb grapper.[/COLOR]
    When I send my configuration and start Hyperion only the leds on the top and right and 1 & 2 left side of the screen are dynamic and change depending of the image in my TV, the led in the left side and donwside remain on on not reacting[COLOR=rgb(128, 128, 128)]!! [/COLOR]
    Any idea how to fix it?
    The blue and green are inverted[COLOR=rgb(128, 128, 128)] ! even if I try wuth RGB, RBG, BRG... not working[/COLOR]
    Any tutorial how to configur coloros?
    Many many thanks for your support

    Dear all,
    I just received my SW2812 led strip, hdmi to av converter, usb video grabber and an hdmi splitter :)
    I would like to setup an "Ambilight" mooding when I'm playing movies from my Minix Neo U1 android box.
    I saw that such setup is possible with a raspverry Pi, but what's about a dedicated computer under win10 or ubuntu?
    Can we connect the led strip on a cmputer and run Hyperion from it?
    If yes can you pease share with me the how to and wiring tutorial?
    Many thanks in advance