Beiträge von koying

    When an instance is stopped, the Hyperion API no longer reports any state about it.

    I don't think this is true
    I'm not currently using the default integration (but would love to) and I'm using

    curl -sS -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H 'Accept:application/json' -d '{"command": "serverinfo"}' | jq '.info.components[] | select(.name == "ALL") | .enabled' | grep -q 'true'

    To get the status of hyperion.

    It works even if hyperion had "component: ALL" set to false, which shuts down the capture and is equivalent to "Disable instance" in UI, afaik

    EDIT: The integration seems fine when manually changing the component: ALL, btw.
    IMO, all it takes is

    EDIT2: Yep, works fine, afaict