Beiträge von zolakk

    The problem I had was the capture device wasn't being detected at all, since you are getting a signal (even if it's the rainbow image), I think yours might be in your splitter if you have one or between your chromecast and your capture device. However, especially if you have a spare SD card or don't care about doing a fresh install anyway to test, feel free to continue with my post below. It still might resolve your issue :)

    After flashing the SD with the newest Raspbian from their website, I opened a console and ran a "dmesg" command after plugging in the stick to verify it was recognized and assigned to /dev/video0 or /dev/video1 (mine was without doing anything else on a fresh install so the driver must be included now). If that part goes ok, and was the roadblock with me on Libre ELEC, then doing the next part should get it to work. I've also attached full screenshots of my capturing hardware and remote control (I didn't see a "remote" pages, so I assume thats what you meant) - they are basically default except I turned off the "platform capture" option, which is for the raspberry pi camera I think.

    Here's the instructions I followed…ob/master/

    Do the stuff under "Debian/Ubuntu/Win10LinuxSubsystem" and "on RPI you need the videocore IV headers" and then this command under "The general quick way (without big comments)":

    wget -qO- | sh

    It takes a LONG time on a raspberry pi, I think like 45 minutes on my 3. When it does, run

    sudo make install/strip

    from the "Install hyperion into your system" part at the bottom of the page.

    Here's my config pages: