Beiträge von Ambientheater77

    Now I want to configure it for the ambilight of the tv 65 '' what i need more hardware?

    you need a grabber and a ledframe or stick the leds onto the tv

    u can use a HDMI grabber ( maximum of 1080p) into the raspi on USB
    or u can use a RCA grabber on USB and HDMI signal to HDMI/RCA converter

    there's a lot of this on this forum, look at builds of other members/topics


    if all of this dont work then we do something diffrent

    in terminal of raspi;

    sudo systemctl disable --now hyperiond@pi
    sudo systemctl enable --now hyperiond@root
    sudo reboot now

    copy and paste this code line with ctrl/shift +V in terminal then press enter

    until last line of reboot

    after reboot

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get upgrade

    sudo apt-get install git cmake build-essential qtbase5-dev libqt5serialport5-dev libqt5sql5-sqlite libqt5svg5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev python3-dev libcec-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-shm0-dev libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libavahi-core-dev libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libjpeg-dev libturbojpeg0-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev

    sudo apt-get install libraspberrypi-dev

    Okey sorry. But im spanish and im trying tranlate jeje its difficult for me.

    Yes, I made a design but I only put 72 LEDs as seen in capture # 2. Does this have something to do with not putting all the LEDs?

    You tell me that I have to show you and I'll show you with a photo. sorry and thank you very much for helping me

    ah you are spanish, that explains alot.

    no problem.

    look at section Effects, booteffect and backgroundeffect are this ones enabled? you can test effects with this setting. enable booteffect and enable backgroundeffect
    Go to capturing hardware and option out USB grabber and displayplatform grabber
    go to remote and see if leddevice is enabled, then disable and enable again
    and deactivate and activate Hyperion at dashboard, last bowl has to be green (activated)

    why only 72 leds with a 5 mtr strand? just curious

    its too low, turn the white dial on PSU with care UP until 4,9 volts with load > ledstrip/PI connected

    you have to measure directly on your PSU, also unwrap your strand of lights> i see that you purchased a strand of 5 mtr [is that right?] with 32l/mtr.

    second, the best results will be there if you power the strand from BOTH sides

    Yes, sorry WS2801

    But DEBUG its empty but if I change to WS281x do this.

    2021-01-21T15:09:25.974Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (INFO) Stopped LedDevice 'ws2801' 2021-01-21T15:09:25.976Z [hyperiond COMPONENTREG] (DEBUG) (ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState()) LED device: disabled 2021-01-21T15:09:25.977Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (INFO) Start LedDevice 'ws281x'. 2021-01-21T15:09:25.977Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:148:init()) deviceConfig: [{"colorOrder":"rgb","currentLedCount":72,"dma":5,"gpio":18,"hardwareLedCount":72,"invert":false,"latchTime":0,"leds":256,"pwmchannel":0,"rewriteTime":1000,"rgbw":false,"type":"ws281x","whiteAlgorithm":"subtract_minimum"}] 2021-01-21T15:09:25.978Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:407:setLatchTime()) LatchTime updated to 0ms 2021-01-21T15:09:25.978Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:428:setRewriteTime()) Refresh interval = 1000ms 2021-01-21T15:09:25.978Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:434:setRewriteTime()) RewriteTime updated to 1000ms 2021-01-21T15:09:25.979Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDeviceWS281x.cpp:59:init()) ws281x strip type : 1050624 2021-01-21T15:09:25.979Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: Hardware revision is not supported' 2021-01-21T15:09:26.003Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1063:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming deactivated for client ::ffff: 2021-01-21T15:09:36.419Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1054:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff: 2021-01-21T15:09:36.433Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1063:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming deactivated for client ::ffff: 2021-01-21T15:11:28.289Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: Hardware revision is not supported' 2021-01-21T15:12:29.181Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1054:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff: 2021-01-21T15:12:29.208Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1063:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming deactivated for client ::ffff: 2021-01-21T15:15:15.704Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1054:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff:

    you need NOT WS281x for your ledstrip, this is only for PWM.

    you need RPI SPI ws2801

    zoek even hier in het forum, Awawa en HyperHDR >> dat is een nieuwe fork van Hyperion.NG
    HDR en Hyperion is een zorgenkindje. Soms werkt het soms niet en krijg je heel vreemde vale kleuren..

    als je in mijn tekst kijkt die 4k splitter werkt perfect (bij mij) . Als ik tv kijk en HDR wordt opgeschakeld door de bron dan heb ik geen problemen, komt er nog steeds 1080P naar mijn HDMI/rca converter.
    helaas ondersteund hij niet Dolby Vision.