Beiträge von Ambientheater77

    Like 2x 2mm2 wire gauge should do it. I connected mine with only 2x 1.5mm2 speakerwire.

    The more leds you want to fire over only 1 data lead it will become slow, the reason is that data and later clk (too reset ledcolor) have to follow up on same lead. At certain point you loose data so also colour and sync will be off between leds and screen. Invest in a good ledstrip I would say, 4lines is always better then 3, more fluid


    1, no answer/no experience with RGBW strips, there's a option in Hyperion.NG to activate RGBW protocol.

    2, there is no advantage but sometimes its nessecary to use a levelshifter. Why? because GPIO on a raspi only put out max 3.3volts on datalines when ledstrips wants to have 3.5volts to prefer. Some types of ledstrips don't fire without a "boost" most of them will run directly on SPI GPIO connected without anything fancy
    that depends also of your PSU which have to be really clean and steady output of 5 volts.

    3, a 5050 SMD led uses at full brightness 0.049 amps not 60. So your calculation is off. Ledstrip isn't loosing voltage because you can power it from both sides, with this setup the power is spreaded evenly. You are talking about 3mtr of 60L/mtr so calculation is 0,049 x 180 = 8,82 amps or 45 watts of power for ledstrip only
    I recommend to use 1 PSU to power everything

    4, its said already 4 line ledstrips runs better and more fluid then 3 line strips, but a levelshifter is only needed in some cases. If you need it you see that in flickering/off colours and not responding ledstrip. You can connect more channels than one on a levelshifter so data/clk is no problem to connect simultaneously

    goodluck with your build man

    What are the differences between WS2812B and APA102 LED strips?

    difference is that APA102 is 4 lines, 2 datalines for superfast traffic and smooth, 2 for VCC and GND. > see my video of the APA

    WS2812b is 3 lines so only one dataline, with alot of traffic from SPI/PWM to the lights it can be slow(er) in reacting

    i think that APA102 has better colours but thats personal :)

    We loaded Hyperion 7 on a RPi0W (7 because we could not get 9 or 8 to interface Hyperion setup page in the browser)

    something there is already not quite right. That should work also, i read a story about not getting into WebUI before and this happend because Hyperion wasn't running in root but in PI

    You need to run hyperion as root with this configuration (device 'ws281x) PWM Run as PWM not as SPI because read alot of problems of that

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/hyperiond@.service

    Remove the User session-line and save with CTRL+O and exit CTRL+x.
    Don't forget to reboot >>> i have this from admin >…y.10463/page-3#post-26614

    then..... there is 2 diffrent GPIO to use for PWM >
    also you see that sometimes SPI is used on the same GPIO

    for PWM0 you need GPIO12

    other things; measure your voltage > 5volts should not exceeding that, its better too run at 4.9 volts then too high.

    second; a 244 configuration of leds will draw 0.049 x 244 = 12 Amps (in full brightness) so you have only 3 amps too spare on your PSU >>>> maybe your voltage is dropping too much for the leds??



    is your leddevice running ? in WebUI at section remote you can turn it on and off.

    also provide your logs out of Debug section logs.

    it looks like the ledstrip sint connected to correct GPIO or settings in WebUI aren't correct for ledstrip.
    it can also be a problem with userrights on output in Hyperion.

    Dispmanx is screengrabber direct from your desktop of your PI, or trough PROTO port 19445

    No you can't turn this off, the test image signal doesn't come from your grabber but from the HDMI to RCA converter.

    The only thing you can do is alter this in WebUI at signal detection section, so the grabber doesn't pickup any "empty" videosignals to Hyperion.

    (activate signal detection option) then settings is Hmin Vmin Hmax Vmax to look at. Search on this forum for correct settings.

    Yes its 12v (power from original supply) Ground to supply and rpi, data only to GPIO 12 ...

    i get it but i think you have to steer this on Hyperion.NG with adalight on Arduino.

    I think its much easier for you to purchase a supported ledstrip in libraries of Hyperion.NG ( you can see this in WebUI) then try to awake this strip with weird technology that is not really supported by the software ( anymore)
    I am not saying its a bad strip or such, but sometimes when software and hardware don't want to interact together then its the better choice to bring one to another :)

    Is er een mogelijkheid om van deze 2 video bronnen ook signaal af te tappen en naar Hyperion te sturen? En dan het liefst zonder stekker te verwisselen, dus dat Hyperion zelf overgeschakeld naar een andere bron.

    je kan bv een hDMI schakelaar gebruiken ( met remote) en achter die output een RCA converter zetten. De output daar weer van (CVBS - composiet) laat je alle geconverteerde composiet signalen op samen komen en die stuur je naar je USB grabber. Dat zou je ook bv weer kunnen doen met een 4 kanaals relais waarbij je alleen de lead schakelt.

    nee, Hyperion.NG kan niet automatisch schakelen op bv verschillende USB input, wel kan je verschillende LEd instanties maken (2) waarbij je een andere grabber configureert bv. Je kan wel op PROTO images streamen naar je Hyperion.NG maar die moet via een screengrabber verstuurt worden over LAN naar bv poort 19445 van je Hyperion.NG Screengrabber software installeer je dan bv op je pc

    yeah i know its automatically generated by the webui (the rate parameter is not editable in the ui so i put it in via import to see if this was the missing piece.... it wasnt)

    So what I effectively did is: installed NG, put all my settings in (which worked in hypercon) via webui and it doesnt work.

    The rate parameter was present in hyper con as "frequency".

    okay thanks, now i get it
    sometimes in writing/explaining technics is really hard. If you said this the first time then i understand hahaha

    but anyway, because it worked on same hardware probably the problem is software of Hyperion.NG

    did you install dependencies? like

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade

    sudo apt-get install git cmake build-essential qtbase5-dev libqt5serialport5-dev libqt5sql5-sqlite libqt5svg5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev python3-dev libcec-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-shm0-dev libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libavahi-core-dev libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libjpeg-dev libturbojpeg0-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev

    sudo apt-get install libraspberrypi-dev

    and for the new type you need this one

    sudo apt-get -d install libcec4
    sudo apt-get install libcec4

    ? i dont know what you did and how, but you can alter the Hyperion.NG settings in WebUI at localIP:8090
    whit this the Json is being rewritten automatically, normally you only have to save this Json config for backup your setup.

    Am I doing something wrong/ something missing? Or is it just because NG is still in alpha?

    you can't use your Json from Hypercon to import in Hyperion.NG.
    they are completely diffrent!
    import a clean Json into Hyperion.NG again because you have a Json file that is corrupted now in the new program, it will mallfunction or not run at all.

    Drawing leds is: (full brightness)

    0.049 x 408= 19.992 so 20 amps or 100 watts, only for leds.

    So you have no problem use your mean well for the whole setup.

    I also would recommend to use a LEDstrip with 2 datalines instead of one with this much lights. Now all the data has to go over only 1 dataline (pwm gpio12) so don't have experience with that but with 2 datalines type LEDstrips like the apa102 everything will run much smoother if you have to steer more then 200 leds.


    • 1 you can make it even with PIzero so no problem, will support "endless" lights. But, signal on D1 and Clk from gpio's needs to be high enough especially for a large number of LEDs.
    • or only 1 dataline.

    • 2 LEDs have a angle of 120 degrees so you can set them in a big angle instead of shining towards the wall. See my setup, I think my clearance from LEDs to wall is 2 Inch
    • You have to think; the further the wall/ the more brightness you need. You can experiment with 30/60/ or 144 leds/mtr. I have 30leds/mtr (in total 130) and this is enough for a small gap from leds to the wall, but the bigger the gap the longer distance so lights will be less strong colours.
    • I like them to be powerfull but thats a preference

    • 3 I would use a level shifter in your case because PI can't steer that much leds out of Gpio without noticable lag or not firing at all/flickering on the ledstrip

    • 4 my advice is always use one PSU for everything! Much cleaner/easier, because you have a 300watts is no problem to steer all the devices and LEDstrip. Remember to stabilize everything to ground (-) and...... it doesn't matter your PSU is powerful, the device/PI/ledstrip is only drawing amps it needs so doesn't matter. Make sure voltage of PSU isn't exceeding 5 volts! Better to have 4.9 than much to high.