Beiträge von Ambientheater77

    That's the thing... There is NOTHING in the Pi folder ‍♂️

    with VNC viewer you can see the desktop and in folders you can select in view tab> CTRL+H this makes vissible hidden folders.

    how to do that in SSH/Putty

    For command line:
    ls -a
    ls -al

    Strange, because layout is good. Probably ground isn't good or wrong connection

    Jeroen, i was the one who told you about some systems need root permissions, my setup works now.

    But if there are problems the utvF grabber (note the F) then try to start with a very low resolution and then increase the resolution to a point that it is stil stable.

    in the Dutch section :)

    yes i know this, some grabbers are really bad> for instance i have a grabber here that is recognized by the OS and gives you a videoimage, but the quality is really bad even when i set it to 1 [no decimation almost] picture is still horrible.

    then with the same RCA converter [HDMI to RCA] and a diffrent grabber the picture is really good even when i set decimation to 4

    so it matters what type of brand (chipset) is used in the grabber.
    the one that gives a horrible picture is 2 times more expensive then my cheap one with perfect clean picture :O

    Also, hyperbian and gpio18 wants to have root access.
    What i mean is that in order to get the led's tot work the system needs root rights to get things going.

    has to work like this,

    Sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd-config

    search for
    #permitRootLogin prohibit password

    change to
    PermitRootLogin no

    save, and exit.

    goodluck :)

    install first library independencies >

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade

    sudo apt-get install git cmake build-essential qtbase5-dev libqt5serialport5-dev libqt5sql5-sqlite libqt5svg5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev python3-dev libcec-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-shm0-dev libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libavahi-core-dev libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libjpeg-dev libturbojpeg0-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev

    sudo apt-get install libraspberrypi-dev

    100% of the content we watch is via the apps on the TV, YouTube, Netflix, Prime, and regular TV channels so capturing an HDMI input will not work, is there a way to use an USB camera to parse the image and control the LED's?

    happy newyear man,

    yes you can use for instance a webcam with USB capture but..... the grabbed image is interferred with a lot of noise" from the TV ( you can see the 50 or 60 Hz in lines!) and there's a delay. also you have to make sure that using the exact right webcam angle or you have to adjust this in the LED config of your setup in Hyperion.

    so you can do it this way but results is going to be less as a straight live videostream into Hyperion directly with a grabber. (over network PROTO 19445 or directly on USB doesn't matter)

    goodluck with your build.

    you can also use the dispmanx grabber internal to show images from PI desktop, but results of this is only good if you can scale the image upto fullscreen on desktop.

    you can use this to make a USB videostream on your PI vissible;
    open your terminal;

    sudo apt-get install mplayer

    then execute;
    sudo mplayer tv:// -tv device=/dev/video0 -hardframedrop

    Hyperion can also receive videostream with PROTO buffer port 19445 and will automatically connect to this port and show images. You can stream video with a windows device pc over the network, you install a program on windows pc and the stream is being transferred and captured by Hyperion.
    the u use this>

    yes it is possible,

    create 2 LED instances which you can select and deselect when you want.

    instance 1 is the "normal one" with all the leds lit.
    instance 2 is the specific one without alot of leds not in the configuration.

    you can create this on General tab and run it, select your 2th instance in the top of the browser with 2 arrows> have to be green dot to be active


    Thank you. it does the job.

    Only one cons: when the grabber receive no signal the led stay on.
    does Hyperion.NG provide on option toi avoid that?

    same menu, option ON signal detection and you see the values for colours> treshold.

    treshold on aprox 10 setting.
    vmin vmax hmin hmax setting you can find here in the forum. some do them 0.1 / 0.98
    but i am not using that so you have to find out signal detection settings on the grabber.

    yes, there are splitters for that purpose.

    because i had a lot of problems before with cheap 2channel 4K splitters in combination with my receiver all kind of signals crossed resulting in no image to my 4Ktv or ambilight. I closed down the ambilight then no tv signal and vise versa..

    i solved it by using a decent 4K hardware splitter from…th-downscaler-4k-to-1080p

    works as a charm because the outputs are separated from eachother ( my friend also has one)
    input HDMI 4K
    output1 a solid 4K
    output2 is changable into whatever you want EDID is to configure difrent for each setup because it works with hard dipswitch settings.

    the problem with most (cheap 4K) HDMI grabbers is that the splitter doesn't receive a signal of connection back (EDID) and does not know what to do and quits.
    thats something that i picked up by playing with a lot of hardware configurations.

    this splitter works great and outputs don't interfere with eachother, see if it meets your requirements
    goodluck. :)

    @jeroen warmerdam
    All the libraries you only need to install, when you are going to compile Hyperion yourself.
    If you just want to run it, you can install the package. Hyperion brings the libraries.

    There were libs missing before, why installing everything helped, but that should have been resolved.

    ah okay, so the .deb package doesn't need all the libraries because its self downloading packages when needed :)

    you can do it like this, make a config of all your leds ( all of the 100 leds thats available )
    then make a backup of your Json file.

    open your Json file with texteditor,
    there go to the bottom of the file and search for this;

    "leds": [
    "h": {
    "max": 0.0625,
    "min": 0
    "v": {
    "max": 0.08,
    "min": 0
    "h": {
    "max": 0.125,
    "min": 0.0625
    "v": {
    "max": 0.08,
    "min": 0
    "h": {
    "max": 0.1875,
    "min": 0.125
    "v": {
    "max": 0.08,
    "min": 0
    "h": {
    "max": 0.25,
    "min": 0.1875
    "v": {
    "max": 0.08,
    "min": 0

    there in this list find out which led is which ( not that easy) and remove them and save the Json file.
    then import the Json file back to Hyperion.
    Restart Hyperion and all the leds you selected are firing up with every effect you choose.
    Howto select the right led in the list i don't know, maybe someone here knows.

    or; do this manually in Hyperion Led settings and try to save your config, but i honestly have no experience with your aproach so you have to find out.