Beiträge von Ambientheater77

    lol honestly i didn't understand how you reset the grabber

    actually its not a reset of the grabber but a "reset" between the USB grabber and the PI, its the same effect when you pull out the grabber and stick it back in.
    then the PI recognizes it again and the image is working again in Hyperion after reboot Hyperion.
    sometimes i need to do this to get the image back, there is no settings in the grabber i can alternate everything is basic.

    Btw. one thing i figured out: my grabber doesn't like certain settings / custom resolutions - it will completely stop working! Took me days of hair pulling until i figured it out :D I don't know how it resets / starts working again but the lowest resolution which works is 640x480.

    i know that problem and had the same in the beginning.

    I made a reset on the grabber +5volts.
    so when grabber is connected/recognized or not! then while PI is running i can reset the grabber with a relais on remote.

    USB has a 5 volts/GND and 2 data, if you cut the 5 volts ( reset) the PI doesn't see the grabber anymore.
    for me it works perfect and maybe for you also :)


    no problem man, happy trails. I was only wondering about your config.text settings about the SPI.
    but never mind, there's a lot that can go wrong and not everybody is honest is his craft on a forum.

    thats why i asked to see if you are not forgetting/skipping steps.
    for me its not logical to comment/uncomment the same hardware setting in config.text
    but maybe you are the expert and i don't know what i am rambling


    ?? you have two counter settings in here,
    first you say with commenting the hardware device is OFF #example is OFF!
    then you say in last line that uncommenting dtparam=spi=on is ON!

    delete that last line and uncomment all hardware interfaces, no harm no faul.

    die kan je installeren via de DEB package geloof ik, ik zou dan eerst de oude déinstalleren.

    Download install file:
    wget…pha.9-Linux-armv7l.deb%60 ( of een andere natuurlijk)

    For install I've tried both in different installation attempts:
    `sudo dpkg -i Hyperion-2.0.0-alpha.9-Linux-armv7l.deb`
    AND after uninstalling
    `sudo apt install ./Hyperion-2.0.0-Linux-x86_64.deb`

    Then because I found a few mentions of this:
    `sudo systemctl disable --now hyperiond@pi`
    `sudo systemctl enable --now hyperiond@root`
    `sudo reboot now`

    After reboot I see:
    `Dec 03 07:46:52 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Hyperion ambient light systemd service for user root.`

    but when I navigate to the rpi's IP on port 8090 or 8091 nothing loads.

    I've also tried:
    `sudo /usr/bin/hyperiond -d`

    The logs hang at ` <DEBUG> Hyperion.cpp:562:handlePriorityChangedLedDevice() | No source left -> switch LED-Device off` and do not proceed.

    Solved by running
    `sudo apt update`
    `sudo apt full-upgrade`

    you can do a GPIO test

    Loopback test
    This can be used to test SPI send and receive. Put a wire between MOSI and MISO. It does not test CE0 and CE1.

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.…ntation/spi/spidev_test.c
    gcc -o spidev_test spidev_test.c
    ./spidev_test -D /dev/spidev0.0
    spi mode: 0
    bits per word: 8
    max speed: 500000 Hz (500 KHz)

    40 00 00 00 00 95
    F0 0D

    example of output after command, source…raspberrypi/spi/

    hoe staan jouw settings? Als ik film afspeel heb ik eigenlijk geen last ervan. En in het menu bijna niet. Nihil last zeg maar.

    sorry voor de delay :)

    mijn settings zijn niet zo bijzonder want ik draai nog op Béta versie Hyperion.NG en ik gebruik een HDMI > RCA converter > UTV007 grabber
    dus ik denk dat het voor mij anders is dan voor jou.

    er komt gewoon 1080P vanaf de splitter binnen (keiharde EDID dipswitch setting) via de HDMI op de RCA converter, maar wat er daarna in de grabber binnenkomt is maximaal 720P.
    wat ik wel weet dat ik die setting in Béta ook niet kan uitfilteren ( is niet te selecteren) en dat ie perfect werkt zonder iets te hoeven doen al vanaf het begin

    Basetech BR116 Video Grabber
    SpeaKa Professional AV Converter SP-HDMI2AV [HDMI - Composite cinch] 1920 x 1080 pix


    with a second running instance that you made its not possible to control that instance with the Hyperion app.
    Only the first instance is to be controlled by the app by default in the Hyperion program.

    so that you know, and not wondering why remote control on the app isn't working with second instance enabled. :)

    if you want to connect PWM to GPIO18 on Hyperbian then this is ( what he told me and he found out because other people have this problem) the way to redirect the root login.

    i don't need it myself, but for this type of ledstrip and setup it worked for him, while other things sorting out didn't make a diffrence.,.
    If you are doing it or not its your choice. :)

    probably this will work..

    the PI has to run as root for WS281x ledstrips

    in terminal SSH or Putty;

    Sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd-config

    look for
    #permitRootLogin prohibit password

    change to
    PermitRootLogin no

    save and exit, after this reboot and has to work now ( i received this from a forum member that did this procedure last week)

    Does anyone know the implications of a hard power off on the RPi zero or the arduino nano?

    yes nothing, :) Raspberry PI works diffrent then your average windows pc which needs a correct shutdown.
    A Pi you can disconnect/switch off from power and reboots after you engage power again.

    they are build for it, even in a standard PI-kit a USB powercable is included with build-in switch in the cord.
    so it doesn't matter.

    My setup is only switched with switchboard and 4 separate relais.

    1. main power 5 and 12 volts (35A)
    2. Grabber USB port reset ( cuts of 5 volts of grabber usb input)
    3. PI main power and reset
    4. alternate for ligtning in cabinet.

    when watching tv, turn on tv then press relais 1/2/3> with autostart configuration Hyperion boots up automatically!
    after watching then press 1/2/3 again or turn off 230~volts main power with click-ON

    2 things, the green is Gamma values..
    Crank them up upon 2.5 each RGB channel.

    Red green blue threshold to 10,
    Backlight 4

    For the white; look at grabber cropping settings right and left side, see if you have black bars in rendered video image and adjust this. Also; look in grabber settings and set all settings for whole ledstrip in LED index there should be a star *

    Any ideas on how to fully cut power other than unplugging the usb capture?

    what you also can do as a workaround; use a separate relaisswitch to COMPLETELY cut off power of your tv, then USB will fail also.

    i have a switch on 230~volts who switch on/off the tv > i am not using hybernate/standby!
    you have sets you can buy for switching 230~volts outlets.