Beiträge von Sp4rKy

    Sure, so :

    • This one is the config file I used to manage my led strip with ambilight (works perfectly)

    • This one is the config I tried to manage my 2 hue :

    This works (I can set the colors of my 2 bubbles through Hyperion remote app) but after a few seconds the colors are reset to the one they had before (last color I set using Hue remote app for ex). Also, when I try to shutdown them through the app, they switch to a blue color instead of going off.

    If I uncomment the "forward" section , it doesn't work anymore.

    So I tried to move the fw part on a third instance with this config file :

    which leads to a sigsev :

    # hyperiond hyperion-fw.json
    Hyperion Ambilight Deamon (4122)
        Version   : 85fcec3
        Build Time: Jan  6 2017 13:07:31
    INFO: Selected configuration file: hyperion-fw.json
    hyperiond: /home/kszaq/ void MultiColorTransform::setTransformForLed(const string&, unsigned int, unsigned int): Assertion `endLed < _ledTransforms.size()' failed.
    Aborted (core dumped)

    So, if anyone has a setup with:

    • Some lights (here my led strip) which is used with kodi for ambilight but also controlled by remote
    • Some other lights (here Hue) which are only controlled by remote

    And are able to set the same color for all of them in one "command", please share config :)

    Hi there,

    I'm using Hyperion on wetek play 2 (LE with a ada102 led strip . This works well as ambilight and also using hyperion App.

    Now, I would to be able to control my 2 philips hue bubbles "statically", ie not make them part of the ambilight stuff, but being able to set both of them + my strip having the same colour just with one app.

    So my first guess was to have 2 instances, one which controls the 2 hue bubbles + forward to the second one , which controls ambilight with led strip (and aml grabber), but it didn't work at all (nothing changed when I tried to set a color).

    I then try, as a first step, to have a 2nd instance to control the 2 hue, without forwarder. It worked but whenever I set the 2 bubbles to some color, after a few seconds, they are reset back to another color ... just like if the hyperiond was using some kind of grabber to set them. If I kill -9 hyperiond just after I set my color, the color stays and isn't "reset" ...

    So, anyone having this kind of setup who could show up some working config ?