Beiträge von halfblade

    Thanks for replying Neeeed.

    I have done the first tests with Hyperion.NG, but it still does not resolve at all.
    It is noticeable above all when it goes from a color to black (off), it jumps until the LEDs turn off.

    The problem is how I configure it, could you pass me your code to start from a stable base?

    Another possible failure that I think it may be, is the Baudrate, if I put a rate higher than 115200 it doesn't work.
    I have directly connected the LED kit to the USB of the Pi, I suppose that the box will have an Arduino and it is set to that Baudrate.

    This is the kit:…b201602_,searchweb201603_

    Hello, I turn to the wise to see if you can help me a little;)

    The problem I have is that the transitions are not very good.
    It gives the feeling that it goes at about 15fps and in the end it ends up making you dizzy.

    I have tried different settings and looking for possible solutions, without success.

    I think the problem is in the quality of the LEDs, they are ws2812b with 3 pins at 60 LEDs per meter.
    I've been thinking of changing them for some APA102 with 144 LEDs per meter, but before buying them I want to make sure it's the problem.

    The hardware I use is:

    Aliexpress ambilight kit
    3x2 divider
    Raspberry 3 Model B with SO LibreELEC 9.2.6 (Leia)
    Grabber Fushicai UTVF007
    HDMI to AV converter

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