Beiträge von benmarte

    Ok so I solved this by doing a few things.

    First I installed rasbian buster edition in order to get DispmanX since the latest raspbian uses a different display manager which is not compatible with hyperion.

    Then I changed to use spi instead of gpio this solved the running hyperion as root issue I was having.

    Finally I had to modify my /boot/config.txt to include the following:




    Now hyperion works, next up to install retropie ^^

    pclin Thanks for pointing that out I tried chanign the username and this is what I get:

    Any other ideas I can try? Thanks.

    I'm trying to run hyperion on a rpi 4 with raspbian os 64.

    I installed it following these instructions:…ter/

    My problem is the leds wont turn on because hyperion needs to run as root so I tried using the following command: `sudo updateHyperionUser -u root` and that does't help.

    I also tried running these commands:

    sudo systemctl disable --now hyperion@pi

    sudo systemctl enable --now hyperion@root

    sudo systemctl disable --quiet hyperion@pi.service --now

    sudo systemctl enable --quiet hyperion@root.service --now

    But when I do I get this in my terminal:

    Failed to disable unit: Unit file hyperion@pi.service does not exist.

    I also tried running the commands with hyperiond and get the same results, any ideas what might be the issue so I can get this running as root?

    Attached is a copy of my logs.txt


    Weird it keeps disabling the wled device it's very erratic using wled as the controller udpraw works fine but I can only get 1 instance running with udpraw.

    Here's the log output:

    Here you go:

    Yeah I tried flashing it with wled but that didn't get me anywhere, ended up buying some wled boards and got it working with udp but I can't get more than 1 instance of wled working. I tried changing ports because I thought there was a port conflict since both wled lights are using the same port so now I don't know if that is the case or if hyperion can't support more than 1 wled instance.

    IDK how lightberry works but I use a 4k hdmi splitter with autoscaling with my pi to get 4k @ 60hz to my TV/monitor and the pi gets the same signal at 1080p

    Something like might work, this one needs power tho which you can supply via your TVs USB port if it's available