Beiträge von tuzoli


    Thank you for your help. It worked. I'm not going to question why this didn't work before, as I tried this too... but at least I'm not getting this error.
    Now the LEDs still won't come on, but we can now mark this as 'Solved' as the original query has been addressed. If any issues I will either join another discussion or start a new one.

    Thank you again.

    yeah you cant see a difference cause there is no one :)

    ähm other question: you have Apa102 why dont you use spi pins? you dont need the there a reason why you want to use arduino?

    Good afternoon TPmodding,

    It seems there is a misunderstanding. As you can see from the picture attached to my first post, It's hooked up to the "secondary COM-port" as instructed on this tutorial:…mbilight-no-soldering.77/

    The Arduino was mentioned to communicate that there is no physical issue with the LEDs.
    I hope this can help. Thank you in advance.

    plug the device out and write "ls /dev" and then plug it in and write "ls /dev" than you can see which name the device has ACM0 or USB0

    Good afternoon,
    Thank you for your response. I've done as instructed and to be hones, I can't see the difference. Please find attached the screenshot first showing the unplugged then the plugged-in state. Thank you in advance!

    Good afternoon penfold42,

    Thank you for your response.

    The port was automatically selected by HyperCon: as you can see in the hyperion.config.json file attached it chose /dev/ttyS0
    To my understanding on the Pi3 /dev/ttyACM0 is taken up by bluetooth and since this is not a USB device, it didn't even occur to me to try selecting /dev/ttyUSB0. Please give me a few minutes to have look.

    Good afternoon everyone,
    I'm having an issue making my Raspberry Pi 3 with OSMC control the LEDs. I have tested them with my Arduino and they work just fine. As far as I can tell there is only one issue:

    Unable to open RS232 device (IO Exception (2): No such file or directory, file /home/sascha/hyperion/dependencies/build/serial/src/impl/, line 100.)

    My LED lights are Apa102. Please help.
    Thank you in advance!