Beiträge von jaysix79

    I was having the same issue when trying to install Hyperion on my RPi3, but after installing Hyperbian everything worked OK.
    Nevertheless I'm still highly interested in understanding how the webservices of Hyperion should work, where config files should reside etc, so hopefully sonebody can shed some light on this.

    Once again, there seem to be quite a lot of people that suffer this problem (ie not being able to reach the config website http://IpOfYourPi:8090) so it would be very helpfull if some additional information on this topic could be shared.

    do you mind sending me the hyperbian image? or maybe a link to an older hyperbian image???

    or if anyone has a image of working hyperbian on pi2

    Sorry guys new here... I Been searching for the past two days for this issue maybe I can get some help or direction here to what link would be helpful

    I'm installing hyperbian image on my raspberry Pi2 HyperBian. the Pi boots fine and with "sudo service hyperion status" I get a return line

    ● hyperion.service - Hyperion ambient light systemd service
       Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
       Active: active (running) since Thu 2020-11-19 06:04:25 GMT; 1 weeks 2 days ago
    Main PID: 547 (hyperiond)
       CGroup: /system.slice/hyperion.service
               └─547 /usr/bin/hyperiond
    Nov 19 06:04:25 HyperBian systemd[1]: Started Hyperion ambient light systemd service.

    I can ssh with the Pi without any problem so I know I'm using the right IP address

    I cannot access http://IpOfYourPi:8090.

    I've seen people change /etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json ; i dont not have that file or directory
    I wanted to debug my hyperion but does not know where to start since i cannot /etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json -- debug

    I've also tried installing fresh install of raspberry image from with this instruction with this download Hyperion-2.0.0-alpha.9-Linux-armv7l.deb; with this Instruction I can't even get the Hyperion to start. it says something not hyperion or hyperiod is not found

    in one of the youtube channel; many have commented that I needed to add sudo apt install cec-utils. I tried that any without success.

    hoping someone can point to to the right direction to trouble shoot my issue.

    Hi bro here is another log attached - in the middle somewhere it froze again & then after a while it came back on & started working & then I switched it off

    hi question off topic im trying to find out if my hyperion is every working.... i tried multiple way of installing this.. the only one that seem to work is the same way you installed yours... its the only one for that a "sudo service hyperion status" will given me an output that its active and running...

    2 questions where is the Hyperian Log.txt log located ? send is where is you config file located? (Hyperion-2.0.0-alpha.6-Backup (My Hyperion Config) 2020.06.06 (1).json)

    my problem is no matter how i install this on Pi2 its either i dont have it actively running or if its actively running i cannot browse or connect to Pi-IP-addess:8090

    thank you