I'm trying to control ws2812b LEDS with a raspberry pi 2.
I've measured ~5v power at both ends of the strip.
I believe I burnt out my gpio18 because I ran a gpiotest which complained about that pin and I also tried using this method of setting pin output with bash: https://raspberrypi-aa.github.io/session2/bash.html
GPIO18 shows .2V regardless of set to high or low.
However, GPIO12 shows 3.3V or 0V when set high or low. It's also labeled as PWM0 here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/gpio/
Is is possible to use GPIO12?
I've wired it up and changed my settings in Hyperion dashboard but I don't see any light.
I tried changing the effect in the dashboard remote and also using boblight server with the phone app. I see the colors change in dashboard but all LEDs remain off.
What could I be missing?