LED strip flashing

  • everything seems to be working with the leds matching the screen colours apart from my leds flashing white occasionally.

    im using ws2812b leds with a rpi zero. leds connected to GPIO 18

    this is the power supply im using (the only one i copuld find at the time of purchese) -https:// https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08GKCZZSX?tag=hyperioforum-21&ie=UTF8&psc=1

    would adding a resistor and/or a capactor help with the flashing? or is it just a bad power supply?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von RCHudspeth ()

  • everything seems to be working with the leds matching the screen colours apart from my leds flashing white occasionally.

    i think ( because there is a lot of people here with problems nowadays regarding ws2812b ) that the problem lies in timings from the PI to the strip.
    you can solve this by adding Arduino module which supply the timings.

    so ledstrip doesn't receive signal good from PWM? > turns white, then restore on dataline and colours is back.

    would adding a resistor and/or a capactor help with the flashing? or is it just a bad power supply?

    i don't believe in this case its the powersupply, if it was then it would flicker or not fire at all.
    Capacitors and resistors are probably not going to help.

  • with it flashing white occasionally id be looking at signal rather than supply, did you connect the earth of the LED strip to the Pi GPIO also?

    i have the earth of the strip connected to the psu earth and pi earth

    so ledstrip doesn't receive signal good from PWM? > turns white, then restore on dataline and colours is back.

    could using a different GPIO pin that also has PWM / PCM make a difference to the timing? currently using GPIO 18 (PCM clock). would say GPIO 12 (PWM0) / GPIO 13(PWM1) / GPIO 19(PCM FS) be better?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von TPmodding ()

  • ive ran it 3 of the GPIO pins and never had any white flickers, Touche on the GPIO pinout, thats my fav 1 :thumbup:
    , Im with @jeroen warmerdam on a signal prob
    I do know 100% the if signal pin is removed the WS2812B remain in whatever state they were in until plugged back in - so rules out a open circuit :LOL:

    Might need to monitor it and try and pin point a few things.

    How occasional is occasional?
    Is this a clean install?
    or how long has it been ok for?,
    does it only happen on platform or usb capture?
    Could someone in your house be opening up the hyperion app and at random intervals set it to white then off again - You never know :LOL:

  • How occasional is occasional?
    Is this a clean install?
    or how long has it been ok for?,
    does it only happen on platform or usb capture?
    Could someone in your house be opening up the hyperion app and at random intervals set it to white then off again - You never know :LOL:

    it occurs every time i turn on the strip with burst of flashes every few seconds
    is a clean install and set up
    im using a usb capture

    i have also found if i set all the leds to one colour via the effects panel it also flashes

  • could using a different GPIO pin that also has PWM / PCM make a difference to the timing? currently using GPIO 18 (PCM clock). would say GPIO 12 (PWM0) / GPIO 13(PWM1) / GPIO 19(PCM FS) be better?

    you never know but PWM controller thats is used stays the same ( hardware GPIO switches but thats it) so i don't think that will help.

    can you provide a log from LOGS> debug?

  • Sometimes audio is troubling the PWM signals to a ledstrip, so its worth a shot. Set it to PWM 1 and see if it helps

    There is a guy here Ambimod who experimented with different GPIO, he connected 4 ledstrips and run them simultaneously. So should be possible.

  • can you provide a log from LOGS> debug?

    here are the last set of logs
    2021-02-23T22:47:14.114Z [hyperiond V4L2:/DEV/VIDEO0] (INFO) Started
    2021-02-23T22:47:14.117Z [hyperiond V4L2:/dev/video0] (DEBUG) (GrabberWrapper.cpp:48:start()) Grabber start()
    2021-02-23T22:47:14.769Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:251:setInputImage()) Priority 240 is now active
    2021-02-23T22:47:14.775Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:351:setCurrentTime()) Set visible priority to 240
    2021-02-23T22:47:14.780Z [hyperiond HYPERION] (DEBUG) (Hyperion.cpp:559:handlePriorityChangedLedDevice()) priority[240], previousPriority[254]
    2021-02-23T22:48:41.444Z [hyperiond WEBSOCKET] (DEBUG) (JsonAPI.cpp:1054:handleLoggingCommand()) log streaming activated for client ::ffff:

    not sure if this is what you wanted, got from system > log

  • yeah @RCHudspeth , may be useful to switch the log level to debug, save it then reproduce the white flashing and see what shows in the logs, if anything.

    Its weird how it happens with or without usb and with it being a clean install that kinda rules out software, there has been plenty of people running them on the pi zero without any probs but you probably would benefit from running the via an Ardruino or similar just to take the workload away from the already limited zero but uncertain if it would cure the flashing white.

    How are your connections and cabling from the zero to the LEDS, connections good? corners soldered?

    Does all leds flash white or is it only certain sections?

  • i believe it was set to debug level.

    ill look into adding a Arduino into the project and see if that helps.

    currently using jumper cables to connect everything, ive swapped the cables a few times but ill see if maybe the connector on the leds is loose / giving a bad connection

    it appears to be all sections that flash, i have noticed if i set all the leds to red it will sometime also flash blue then white

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