Constant blueish white light

  • Hey guys,

    I'm trying to get an old setup to run, which I bought 2nd hand. It's an rpi2 on which I installed Libreelec and Hyperion Ng.

    Using the ws2801 LEDs, hdmi splitter, hdmi2av and a avusb grabber.

    I feel like I'm getting very close but still have a big problem. Once I checked"invert signal", I got the lights to work and also respond correctly.

    However, all LEDs light up constantly in a blueish white light, also when light should be black.

    To imagine better, it's like the LEDs work correctly but are mixed with this constant blue light. So if I'm running the snake effect in red, all LEDs are lit and on top of this white blue light, there is the snake, but since the red mixes with the blue light, it's purple...

    Anyone ever had a similar problem?

    I'll gladly post some pictures and config on the weekend.

    Maybe somebody has a hint in the meantime.

    Many thanks,


  • u don't need invert signal option, that's only for use of nodemcu or second device sometimes.

    For directly steering from the raspi on GPIO10 and GPIO11 with SPI, turn this setting off.

    Look at back-light setting, with this setting lights is on even with no image. Alternating from 0 to 100 % brightness.

    I have setting on 1.

  • Thanks a lot for the fast replies. I was wondering about the invert signal, however if it's not activated, I'll have no light whatsoever, so what could I do?

    I'll play around with backlight settings thanks.

    I'm not an expert by any means so any help is much appreciated

  • Hi again,

    You were absolutely right, I turned off invert signal and I'm getting closer.

    For example if use the atomic swirl effect to test, the colours are right and moving,

    But the lights are flickering alot.

    If I use the RGB wizard, everything is perfect with the standing picture.

    Any ideas?


  • running on SPI controller i had the baudrate setting on 1700000

    • check your GND, is everything connected to common ground/
    • check connections > solder them
    • check PSU > is it powerfull enough and produces a steady and clean 5 volts DC
    • use at least 2 GND pins on the raspi ( trust me)
    • AWG thickness of wires has to be okay, to thin causes powerdrop into ledstrip

    as a rule; use the wires at least the same gauge as on original connector of the ledstrip, normally there's 2 wires for power> the ones in the connector on the sides AND the separate ones that are longer, they did this on purpose so you can power the ledstrip with a lot of current.

    • and did you power the ledstrip from both sides ( beginning/end) with +5 volts and GND?
  • note use the same power source on both ends..( read of someone trying to use two sources and fried hs set up). On my longer strip (7.5m) looping the power solved my flickering.

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