Android Grabber on NVidia Shield Pro - Hyperion-NG on Win10 - SR-WLED controlled

  • My simple set-up

    112 W2812B LEDs - 37x19

    Android Grabber - I mostly use Plex and YouTube so for now this was the quickest and cheapest option for me.

    The TV unfortunately stands about 30cm from the wall - but its ok

    Transient 2 Demo

    Edited once, last by XS21 ().

  • XS21

    Changed the title of the thread from “Android Grabber on NVidia Sheild Pro - Hyprion-NG on Win10 - SR-WLED controlled” to “Android Grabber on NVidia Shield Pro - Hyperion-NG on Win10 - SR-WLED controlled”.

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